Assessment of physical growth and nutritional status of school children of Fatehpur district (U.P.)

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The present study entitled ‘‘Assessment of Physical growth and nutritional status of school children of fatehpur district (U.P.)’’ was conducted to collect information regarding nutritional status of the school children(6-12years) of rural primary school namely Prathmic Vidalaya Amauli, Prathmic Vidalaya Behta Khurda and Prathmic Vidalaya Jajmoiya. Total 120 school children were selected for the study. Random sampling was used for identification of schools. 40 students from Amauli village, 35 students from Behta khurd, 45 students from Jajmoiya. A self-structured interview schedule was developed and information regarding general information which include name, age, sex, religion, cast, family type, Income of the family etc. was collected. The clinical sign & symptoms examination was carried out for prevalence of macro and micro nutrients deficiencies. Anthropometric measurements i.e. body weight, height, and mid upper arm circumference were measured. Body Mass Index (BMI) was calculated as weight/height² to assess chronic energy deficiency. Out of the total students 84.8 per cent were Hindu whereas 15.2 per cent were Muslims. The result of the study showed that the mean Weight, Height, Mid Upper Arm Circumference and Body Mass Index of children increased with age. The average height and weight of the children was less than the NCHS standard. Data showed that girls were better than boys in case of height, weight, BMI, MUAC. Total per cent boys and per cent girls were found to be severe malnourished. The consumptions of green leafy vegetables and fruits was found to be less among school children. Personal hygiene assessment was good in boys than that of girls.