Economic analysis of cabbage production in East Khasi Hills district of Meghalaya

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College of Post Graduate Studies in Agricultural Sciences, CAU-Imphal, Umiam
Horticulture sector has established its credibility in improving the income of the farmer by generating the employment through increased productivity. Importance of India’s vegetable growing is well acknowledged with raising domestic and per capita income. Cabbage is one of the most important cole crops which are grown in India with an area of 400 thousand ha and with the production of 897 thousand MT in 2018 (GoI, 2018). Cabbage occupies 2nd position with reference to area, production and productivity after potato in Meghalaya. The area under cabbage in 2018 was 1943 ha and the production was 42677 MT with a yield of 21964 kg/ha (GoM, 2018). Keeping in the view, the study was under taken with the following specific objectives viz., i) To assess the growth trends in area, production and productivity of cabbage in Meghalaya ii) To work out the cost and returns of cabbage growers iii) To study the constraints faced by the cabbage growers. The present study was conducted in five villages of Mawrykneng and Mawkynrew blocks in EKH district of Meghalaya. A sample of 80 respondents were selected randomly by using proportionate random sampling. To attain the first objective Compound Annual Growth Rate was applied. For second objective Costs and returns per ha were calculated using various costs and returns concepts and Garrett’s ranking technique was applied for the third objective. The growth rate in area, production and productivity during 2005-06 to 2017-18 were found to be 2.59 per cent, 3.01 per cent and 0.40 per cent respectively. The growth rate in area, production and productivity of cabbage in all the districts of Meghalaya was found to be positive. The total cost of cultivation in Zaid season was found to be `52129.00/ha. The total net income `32449.5 and B-C ratio was 1.60, operating ratio was 54 per cent. The total cost of cultivation in Rabi season was found to be `47834.42 and net farm income `40565.58. The B-C ratio was found to be 1.84 and operating ratio was found to be 47 per cent. The regression co-efficient was found to be significantly positive for seed cost (0.01) and Insecticides costs (0.02) at 5 percent. Fertilizer cost (0.25) was significant at 1 per cent. It was found that Cabbage production was profitable and economically viable. High Fluctuations in market prices was the major marketing constraints followed by lack of knowledge on latest agriculture practices and Pest infestation. Branches of regulated markets are needed to be established in Block markets to reduce the price fluctuations and government institutions like KVK, ATMA, ICAR, CAU should provide training programmes on latest agricultural practices and on IPM practices.