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The present study was undertaken to know the occurrence of various spontaneous kidney lesions in slaughtered pigs, to describe the pathomorphological features of kidney lesions and to identify the probable etiological agents. A total of 320 slaughtered pigs of either sex were screened for various pathological conditions of kidney, if any, at different locations in Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh. Gross and microscopic kidney lesions of pathological significance were observed in 130 animals (40.6%) that were grouped under circulatory disturbances (13.85%), degenerative changes (6.92%), inflammatory conditions (60%), parasitic (11.54%) and miscellaneous (7.69%) conditions. Circulatory disturbances comprised of congestion (10.77%) and haemorrhages (3.08%). Renal congestion was characterized by dark red coloured kidneys with engorged blood capillaries in the cortex and medulla. Renal haemorrhages revealed diffuse petechial and large ecchymotic haemorrhages on the surface with numerous extravasated RBCs in the interstitium and within the tubules. Nephrosis refers to the degenerative changes in the renal parenchyma, was characterized by enlarged and pale kidneys with cloudy swelling and vacuolar degeneration of tubular lining epithelium along with the formation of protein and cellular casts in the tubules. Nephritis was categorized into glomerulonephritis (26.93%), interstitial nephritis (32.31%) and tubulo-interstitial nephritis (0.77%). Glomerulonephritis was comprised of acute (3.08%), sub-acute (21.54%) and chronic (2.31%) types. Acute lesions were characterized by pale and edematous kidneys with petechiae on the cortex along with glomerular lesions of congestion, swelling, hypercellularity and reduced Bowman’s space with protein accumulation. Sub-acute type revealed enlarged and pale kidneys with epithelial cresents and synechiae formation, sclerotic glomeruli, peri-glomerular mononuclear cells infiltration and perivasculitis. Chronic type revealed smaller sized kidneys with finely granular surface and lesions of diffuse global glomerular shrinkage, atrophy and necrosis with severe fibroplasia and mononuclear cells infiltration. Interstitial nephritis was comprised of sub-acute (29.23%) and chronic (3.07%) types. Sub-acute condition was characterized by variable sized whitish foci on the renal surface with nodular and diffuse aggregation of lymphoplasmacytic cells around the tubules, glomeruli and blood vessels. In chronic cases, kidneys were hard with diffuse pale areas and revealed diffuse and extensive proliferation of connective tissue all over the interstitium along with severe mononuclear cells infiltration. Tubulo-interstitial nephritis (0.77%) revealed kidneys with greyish white foci surrounded by hyperemic rim and lesions of multi-focal tubular necrosis and liquefaction with infiltrating polymorphs and mononuclear cells, and diffuse interstitial mononuclear cells infiltration. Stephanurosis (kidney worm) affections were characterized by numerous parasitic nodules in the perirenal fat, renal pelvis and around the ureter harbouring the adult and larval forms of the parasite. Microscopically, thick fibrous nodules containing cross section of parasites and severe infiltration of plasma cells, lymphocytes, macrophages and giant cells in the nodule wall were noticed. In the present study, 7.69% of renal cysts was recorded under miscellaneous conditions. Renal cysts were characterised by clear cystic cavities in the renal parenchyma with clear watery fluid with thick limiting membrane. Microscopically, empty or fluid filled cavities lined by single layer of flattened epithelial lining surrounded by proliferative connective tissue proliferation were noticed. Etiological studies revealed isolation of pathogenic bacterial species in 20% samples that comprised of Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp. in association with renal congestion, nephrosis, nephritis and kidney worm affections. The present study concluded that a significant occurrence of spontaneous renal lesions exist in slaughtered pigs and the most common pathological condition encountered being nephritis with consistent lesion of mononuclear cell infiltration. Further, this study suggests that a detailed investigations by involving large sample size and employing different molecular detection methods for wider range of etiological agents including zoonotic importance if any, so as to implement proper preventive measures in pig farming and to minimise the economic losses and to curtail zoonotic spill over, in any.