Biointensive management of pest complex of Brinjal, Solanum melongena L. in organic environment

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College of Post Graduate Studies in Agricultural Sciences, CAU-Imphal, Umiam
India is a country with rich biodiversity and with various agro-climatic regions which are conducive for cultivation of a wide range of vegetables throughout the year. Among the various vegetable crops, Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.), is a major vegetable crop with high productivity and high nutritive value. Despite the vegetable's popularity among poor farmers, it requires high inputs, particularly insecticides, because it is infested by a huge number of insect pests. Brinjal is highly prone to damage by insect pests from seedling to harvesting stage. In Meghalaya, Brinjal shoot and fruit borer (Leucinodes orbonalis Guenee) is reported as the major pest. The present study on “Bio-intensive management of pest complex of brinjal, Solanum melongena L. in organic environment” was conducted in experimental farm of College of Post Graduate Studies in Agricultural Sciences (CPGS-AS), Umiam, Meghalaya from April to July, 2021. A total of 22 insect species and 3 non-insects were recorded from the brinjal ecosystem, out of which 15 species were observed as insect pests, 6 species as predators, 1 species as pollinator and 3 species of predatory spiders from the brinjal ecosystem. The Brinjal shoot and fruit borer (BSFB) was found to cause the maximum damage (22.40% shoot infestation and 38.84% fruit infestation). The correlation studies of the major pests (aphids, jassids, hadda beetle and BSFB) with weather parameters (maximum and minimum temperature, maximum and minimum relative humidity and rainfall) revealed that temperature and R.H. had significantly positive relationship with population fluctuation of the pests. The evaluation of bio-pesticide (Um-Comb) and synthetic pesticide showed that Chlorantraniliprole 18.50 SC was most effective against Brinjal shoot and fruit borer and hadda beetle and Dimethoate 30 EC was most effective against sucking pests i.e. aphids and jassids. Seed treatment with Um-Comb gave hundred per cent germination as compared to 84% in untreated seeds. The seed treatment and soil treatment followed by foliar spray with Um-Comb resulted in increased height, no. of branches, length of fruits and yield of the Brinjal crop. Among the different Um-Comb treatments, seed treatment and soil treatment followed by foliar spray was found to be the most effective in managing the major pests. The highest marketable yield was achieved from the chemically treated plots, however the benefit cost ratio was highest (2.74:1) in seed and soil treatment followed by foliar spray with Um-Comb.