Pathology and pathogenesis of Clostridium perfringens type- D epsilon Toxin in Goats

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Birsa Agricultural University
Studies on "The pathology and pathogenesis of Clostridium perfringens type D epsilon (6) toxin in goats" were conducted because of prevalence of the disease in goats in South Bihar and because many cases must have gone undiag nosed. Also the roles of epsilon toxin one of the main toxic products of this organism were poorly understood. The studies were conducted on natural cases of enterotoxaemia due to cl. perfringens type D in goats as well as in goats inoculated with crude (epsilon) toxin, and purified epsilon toxin in high, medium and low doses. The studies on goats revealed characteristic symptoms like, convulsions, opisthotonus, salivation, bulging of eyballs and glycosuria etc. The main, diagnostic gross pathological alterations were "pulpy kidneys" due to nephrosis, thickening of interlobular septae of anterior lobes of the lungs due to oedema, endocardialhaemorrhages, haemorrhagic spots in brain and increased amount of fluid in small intestine. Encephalograms of intoxicated goats revealed status epilepticus in all the experimental groups. Cardiograms revealed arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation, ventricular premature beats, increased amplitude and flutter in goats given high dose of epsilon toxin but not in those given medium and low doses.
Pathology and pathogenesis of Clostridium perfringens type- D epsilon Toxin in Goats