Economic analysis of production and marketing of tomato in West Jaintia Hills district of Meghalaya

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College of Post Graduate Studies in Agricultural Sciences, CAU-Imphal, Umiam
Vegetables play a key role in human nutrition and the tomato is an important vegetable crop ranked third in priority after potato and onion in India. The tomato contributed 15.99 per cent of the world’s vegetable production, whereas in India it contributed 14.39 per cent of total vegetable production in 2019. In Northeastern states, tomato was grown over an area of 31.37 thousand hectares with an annual production of 595.49 thousand tonnes in 2019. When it comes to Meghalaya tomato was grown over an area of 2.19 thousand hectares with an annual production of 35.12 thousand tonnes in 2021. The majority of the tomato growers had the medium economic motivation and had low training. Due to this reason, there is a need to study the profitability of tomato farmers of the state. Keeping the above fact in view, the present research was proposed with the following specific objectives: (1) To study growth trends in area and production of tomato in state, (2) To examine the cost and returns from tomato cultivation and (3) To study the marketing system of tomato in West Jaintia hills district of Meghalaya. Multistage sampling was applied for the study and a total 84 number of respondents were selected as the sample size for collecting primary data. The tools and techniques such as CAGR, cost concepts and profitability measures, producer surplus, marketing cost and margin, price spread, marketing efficiency and Garrett Ranking etc. were applied to achieve the above defined objectives. The study revealed that the CAGR percentage calculated for area, production and productivity was found to be 0.93 per cent, 1.32 per cent and 0.38 per cent, respectively. The comprehensive cost of tomato cultivation was found to be ` 235025.73 out of which more than 70 per cent was contributed by hired human labour and family labour. In the study area, three marketing channels were identified, where channel I with no market intermediaries was found to be more efficient than channels II & III. In overall, tomato cultivation in the study area was found to be profitable and economically feasible. The major problem faced by the tomato farmers was the lack of storage infrastructure. Hence, the establishment of FPO can provide the input assistance and value addition of tomato that can help to reduce cost and increase returns respectively.
Economic analysis, Tomato