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Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli.
The analysis of data revealed that less than two-third (61.67 per cent) of the mango growers were in the ‘middle’ age category, more than one-third (39.16 per cent) of the mango growers were having secondary school level of education, more than two-third (65.13 per cent) of the mango growers had medium experience in mango cultivation, slightly more than half (51.67 per cent) of the mango growers were in semi-medium size area under mango cultivation, majority (70.83 per cent) of the mango growers had medium mango production, majority (70.00 per cent) of the mango growers were from the medium income group, slightly less than two-third (65.83 per cent) of the mango growers had constant age of the orchard. The data again reported that slightly more than one-third (35.83 per cent) of the mango growers had distance of source of input dealers 12.01 km and above from mango growers, majority (70.83 per cent) of the mango growers had fair accessibility of the information received from mass media, less than one-third (31.67 per cent) of the respondents had medium awareness about soil health card information. It is revealed that less than one-third (30.00 per cent) of the mango growers had very low knowledge regarding adoption of recommended dose of fertilizers. The data revealed that less than one-third (29.17 per cent) of the mango growers had medium adoption regarding recommended dose of fertilizers. Also the data revealed that less than less than one-third (29.17 per cent) of the mango growers had medium adoption gap regarding recommended dose of fertilizers. As regards to relationship between selected characteristics and adoption of recommended dose of fertilizers revealed that age, education, experience in mango cultivation, area under mango cultivation, production from mango, income from mango, age of orchard, accessibility of the information received from mass media, awareness about soil health card information were non significantly related with adoption of recommended dose of fertilizers whereas distance of source of input dealers from mango growers and knowledge about recommended dose of fertilizers were positively and significantly related with the adoption of recommended dose of fertilizers. The analysis of findings regarding constraints perceived by the mango growers while regarding adoption of recommended dose of fertilizers, most important constraints were revealed that inaccessibility to soil testing laboratories (81.67 per cent), followed by lack of training for manure and fertilizer application (58.33 per cent), less detail knowledge about doses of FYM and chemical fertilizers (55.00 per cent), non-availability chemical fertilizers in time and adequate quantity (50.00 per cent). Suggestions indicated by the mango growers, to get available all type of fertilizers at cheaper rate (73.33 per cent), followed by to get available the fertilizers in time and adequate quantity (63.33 per cent), to get available an adequate and proper recommended doses of fertilizers chart (60.00 per cent).