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ABSTRACT The present study has been carried out on farmers’ buying behaviour towards agricultural inputs in the high hill temperate wet zone of Himachal Pradesh. A multi-stage random sampling technique was used for the selection of sampled households in the study area. Primary data were collected from a sample of 448 farmers who were the major decision-makers in their household through a well designed pre-tested schedule by survey method. The required secondary data were collected from various publications and government departments. It was observed that the farmers’ buying process was not uniform for all the agricultural inputs under study as it varied from the least expensive to the most expensive agricultural inputs. However, within the same category of the inputs, there were differences in the extent of the buying process and these differences were more prevalent among the frequently purchased agricultural inputs. The findings of the study reported that the effect of farmers’ educational status, farming experience and quality consciousness had significant mean differences in their buying process for both categories of inputs. The study also revealed that individual decision making occurs most often for frequently purchased inputs except for the seed and farmers decided jointly on the purchase of infrequently purchased inputs. Furthermore, it was found that fellow/progressive farmers were the main source on which farmers relied for information related to the seeds and fertilizers in the study area, whereas, for agrochemicals, they highly relied on private input dealers. However, private inputs dealers and state agriculture/horticulture departments were the main source of information related to the purchase of power sprayers and power tillers in the study area. It is also found that the majority of farmers in the study area had paid in cash for the purchase of frequently purchased agricultural inputs. Whereas, in case of infrequently purchased inputs, 41.82 per cent and 66.19 per cent of farmers had purchased power sprayers and power tillers on credit/installments basis, respectively. Besides, the results of the principal components analysis revealed that past experiences, price, brand image, preferred package, quality, government schemes and subsidies were the most important factors influencing farmers’ buying behaviour for frequently purchased agricultural inputs. However, in case of infrequently purchased inputs performance, credit facility, price, reputations of dealers/suppliers, operational qualities, brand image and government schemes and subsidies were the important factors influencing farmers buying behaviour. Timely non-availability & limited supply of inputs in government stores, high prices, non-availability of the preferred package of inputs, fear of adulteration, lack of technical knowledge, lack of financial assistance from the government and lack of market information on inputs were the major constraints experienced by the farmers’ in buying agricultural inputs in the study area. Therefore, it is suggested that a timely and adequate supply of agricultural inputs at fair prices and awareness campaigns on improved agricultural input use can positively influence government investment in agricultural research, extension and input delivery systems in the study area