Analysis of beta-casein variation and nutritional profile of Gangatiri cow milk

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Department of Dairy Science and Food Technology Institute of Agricultural Sciences
Gangatiri is an elite breed of cattle that belongs to Bos indicus origin (Zebu cattle) among the 50 well-being defined indigenous breeds of cattle in India. Milk casein is a heterogeneous protein having four distinct gene products named as alphaS1, alphaS2, beta (BC) and kappa-caseins. Beta-casein in bovine milk occurs in several genetic variants, where BC- A1 and BC-A2 are the most frequent. This study deals with a method based on SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (15%) to analyse the type of BC variant present in Gangatiri milk. Well defined BC bands were obtained from different casein samples of Gangatiri milk. Proteins from these bands were sequenced by HPLC-quadrupolemass spectroscopy, showing the presence of only BC-A2 variant. Further the fat%, SNF% , density, protein concentration ,lactose concentration and ash% were also analyzed for the Gangatiri cow milk. The results have been shown high levels of nutrients in the milk of this breed.
Gangatiri cow