Interrelation of Emotional Intelligence, Personality and Life Satisfaction Among Elderly

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University of Agricultural Science, Dharwad
The study on “ Interrelation of emotional intelligence, personality and life satisfaction among elderly” was conducted on 140 elderly, 70 each from rural and urban aged 60 and above years selected randomly from Dharwad and Cuttack districts during 2016-17. Emotional intelligence questionnaire (Dulewicz and Higgs, 2001), Big five factors personality inventory (John et al., 1991), Life satisfaction tool (Ram Murthy,1978) and Socioeconomic status scale (Aggarwal et al., 2005) were administered individually and in group to collect the data. The data were subjected to percentages, t-test, chi -square and correlation analyses. The results revealed that male and female elderly were similar in emotional intelligence, big five factors of personality and in life satisfaction. Majority of elderly were average or high in emotional intelligence, big five factors of personality and life satisfaction. Elderly from Dharwad and Cuttack were differed in emotional intelligence, big five factors of personality and in life satisfaction. Elderly from rural area of Dharwad were distinctively higher intuitiveness, influence and emotional resilience but elderly from urban of Cuttack better on conscientiousness and emotional intelligence. Correspondingly, elderly from rural area of Cuttack were distinctively higher in conscientiousness, interpersonal sensitivity, motivation and emotional intelligence and also elderly from urban area of Cuttack were better in conscientiousness, intuitiveness, influence, interpersonal sensitivity, motivation, emotional resilience and self-awareness. Subsequently, rural elderly from Dharwad were better in extraversion, agreeableness, openness to experience, conscientiousness and emotional stability but it is reversed in case of Cuttack elderly. Urban elderly of Dharwad and Cuttack were better in life satisfaction. Socio-economic status was related to emotional intelligence, big five factors of personality and life satisfaction. Emotional intelligence, big five factors of personality and life satisfaction were interrelated.