Assessment of genetic diversity in Black pepper (Piper nigrum L.)

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Department of Agricultural Biotechnology College of Agriculture, OUAT Bhubaneswar
Black pepper (Piper nigrum L) is one amongst the oldest and most generally used spices within the world. Originated within the humid, tropical evergreen forest of Western Ghats of India, it has characteristic pungency and flavor. It’s predominantly a self pollinated crop. Significant progress has been made within the genetic improvement of pepper using conventional breeding but the advantages of a molecular technology are yet to be realised in this important crop. The main objectives of the study were chemo and molecular profiling of all the collected black pepper genotypes. Ten number of black pepper genotypes viz. Pournami, Malabar excel, Shubhakara, Panchami, Sreekara, Sakti, Girimunda, Panniyur 1, Pnniyur 2 and Karimunda were collected from the different high altitude regions of Odisha. A wide range of phenotypic variations were observed in the collected black pepper genotypes. The secondary metabolites from the leaves of black pepper were extracted using methanol as a solvent in a soxlet apparatus and dry recovery was measured in milligrams. The extract solution were applied 1.5cm away from lower edge of the TLC plates precoated with silica gel 60F-254 and the plates were kept in the different solvent system. Developed plates were dried in stream air and immersed in 5% concentrated ethanolic sulphuric acid and the plates were heated at 110ºC for 15-20 min to develop the colour spots to identify piperine and its content. The optimized solvent system for the TLC for piperine was identified which contains the solvents Hexane : Ethyl acetate : Glacial acetic acid (3:1:0.1) that resulted into a proper visualization of the spots and bands. The distance travelled by the solvent used is 8.4 cm and the calculated Rf value for all the samples ranged from 0.78 to 0.82. On the basis of the studies made it is assumed that as the Rf values of all the samples were almost same, means the same compound is present in all the samples. The content of Piperine varies from plant genotype to genotype as intensity of of visualized varies. The extraction of DNA is difficult due to the presence of large quantity of secondary metabolites and phenolic compounds. The DNA was extracted successfully from the leaf samples of black pepper employing standard CTAB method and this extracted DNA will be used for molecular profiling. The present study will facilitate breeders to identify suitable black pepper genotypes and to improve genotypes for specific traits like quality and tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses