Molecular mapping of yellow mosaic disease resistance gene(s) in mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek)

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Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
Mungbean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek) also called as green gram is the third essential short duration legume crop after chickpea and pigeonpea. Presently in India, nearly all the varieties are susceptible to yellow mosaic disease (YMD) and rate of infection may vary from 10-100 per cent. The present investigation was aimed to study the mode of genetic inheritance of YMD resistance gene(s) and molecular mapping of YMD resistance gene(s) in mungbean. The parental lines and F3 progenies derived from TMB37 x ML2056 cross were scored for YMD in field of PAU, Ludhiana in kharif 2019. Out of total 88 lines of F population, 14 showed susceptible reaction to YMD and 29 showed resistant reaction while 45 segregating lines were observed for YMD reaction. The segregation pattern of F3 generation developed from cross TMB37 x ML2056 fitted well in genetic ratio 1 resistant: 2 segregating: 1 susceptible indicating the YMD resistance to be governed by single dominant gene. For mapping of YMD resistance gene, the DNA sequencing data from the individuals of F4 population representing extreme phenotypic values for YMD resistance were analysed using QTLseqr package. QTLseqr analysis throughout the whole genome identified ten pseudo-QTL’s on different chromosomes of Vigna radiata.Out of these ten, only pQ.Ymd.pau.chr8a showed significant peaks for both ΔSNP index and G’ value analysis indicating the significant association of this putative QTL with yellow mosaic disease resistance. This QTL spans 1.99 Mb length lie in region between 29.9Mb and 31.9Mb on chromosome 8. The genomic region harbouring the pQ.Ymd.pau.chr8a can be further used and narrow down for fine mapping of gene(s) governing YMD resistance in mungbean.
Simran (2021). Molecular mapping of yellow mosaic disease resistance gene(s) in mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) (Unpublished M.Sc. thesis). Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India.