Herbal formulations augmenting physio-biochemical, serological and carcass quality entities in commercial broilers

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G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand)
A study was conducted in 180day old broilers (divided into three groups having four replicates of 15 birds in each). The experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of herbal formulations augmenting physio biochemical, serological and carcass quality entities in commercial broilers. The study was conducted during months of Aug- Oct 2019. Herbal formulations viz., AV/HLP/16 and AV/LMP/10 were supplemented to treatment 1 and treatment 2 @ 500g/ tonnes of feeds respectively, where as in group control no herbal supplements were added. At the end of the study, different parameters were studied such as body weight gain, feed intake, physio-biochemical, serological, carcass quality and gene expression study. The body weight gain was higher in T1 group in comparison to T2 and control group. The feed intake was found significantly lower in T1 group fed AV/HLP/16 in comparison to T2 group fed AV/LMP/10 and control group. The better feed efficiency was recorded in T1 group as compared to T2 and control. Various parameters such as liveability percentage, relative growth rate, European efficiency factor, Protein efficiency ratio and energy efficiency ratio was also better in T1 group followed by T2 group in comparison to control group. The haematological parameters such as TLC, TEC, PCV and leucocytes count were insignificant among all the group but Hb% was slightly higher in T1 group as compared to T2 and control. The osmotic fragility was also improved in T1 group in comparison to T2 and control group. But AV/HLP/16 group showed slightly improvement in lymphocyte count due to immunomodulatory activity followed by AV/LMP/10 in comparison to control. Serum biochemical profile suggested that addition of herbal supplements in T1 and T2 groups caused significant decreased in cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, A: G ratio and glucose content but there was a significant increase seen in the concentration of serum protein, HDL and globulin. It was also noted that supplementation of AV/HLP/16 improved the DM, EE, and CP (%) digestibility in comparison to AV/LMP/10 and control group. The carcass characteristics, organoleptic properties and chemical composition of carcass reflected pH, CP, EE and DM (%) was found better in T1 group in comparison to T2 and control group. The cell mediated and humoral immunity against NDV virus was also found increased in T1 group fed AV/HLP/16 followed by AV/LMP/10 and control group. Based on the antioxidative profile there was decreased mean MDA value in T1 group as compared to T2 and control group whereas increased profile of SOD and catalase unit in T1 group as compared to T2 and control. The histopathological examination of liver and muscle tissue revealed no significant findings. The relative mRNA expression of genes related to lipid formation i.e., ACC and FAS were non significantly downregulated in T1 and T2 group in comparison to control. The relative expression of SREBP-1c gene was significantly downregulated (p<0.05) in T1 and T2 group than control. Also it was found that CPT-I and PPAR α (involved in lipid peroxidation) were non significantly higher in T1 and T2 group than control. The above study, therefore suggested that supplementation of AV/HLP/16 in T1 group performed better due to antioxidant effect of components