Adoption of safety measures in piesticide application by grape growers

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Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani
The present study was conducted in Jalna tahsils of Jalna district from Marathwada region of Maharashtra state, with an objective to study adoption of safety measures in pesticide application by grape growers. Four villages from the Jalna tehsil were selected purposively on the basis of highest area under grape cultivation. Thirty grape growers from each village were selected randomly to comprise a sample of 120 respondents. Ex-post-facto research design was adopted for this study. It was noticed that, majority of grape growers were middle aged (68.33%), educated up to secondary school level (41.67%), whereas, having medium experience in grape cultivation (71.66%), had semi-medium land holding (43.33%), also, medium area under grape cultivation (89.16%) and had medium annual income (75.84 %). It was further observed that, grape growers had low social participation (52.50%), had used medium sources of information (68.33%) and had medium economic motivation (85.00%). It was observed that, majority of grape growers were having medium knowledge, risk orientation and innovativeness with (82.50%), (74.16 %) and (58.34%), respectively. The important finding of study was that, majority of grape growers (76.67%) had medium adoption of safety measures while pesticide application. Relational analysis related that, age of grape growers was negatively significant with their adoption of safety measures in pesticide application. Other independent variables like, experience in grape cultivation, annual income, sources of information, economic motivation, risk orientation and innovativeness found to be positive and significant relationship with the adoption of safety measures in pesticide application, while education and knowledge had found positive and highly significant with their adoption of safety measures in pesticide application, whereas, variables like land holding, area under grapes cultivation and social participation had found non significant with adoption of safety measures in pesticide application by grape growers. It was observed that, inadequate knowledge about pesticide was the major constraints faced by 95.00% of grape growers followed by low literacy level 94.17%, lack of access to weather forecasting advisory 86.67 % and literature provided with pesticide was not readable 83.33%. Poor extension service on pesticide application reported as a constraint by 80.83% grape growers, while lack of credit was the constraint of 73.33% grape growers. Non availability of spraying kit in market was constraint for 62.50% grape growers followed by non availability of measuring cap along with pesticide (45.83%) and non availability of institutional credit (29.17%), respectively. Around one fourth of the grape growers reported the constraints of small size and fragmented land holding (27.50%) and non availability of information literature along with pesticide (26.67%). Only one grape grower (00.83%) mentioned the constraint of occurrence of rainfall after spraying of pesticide.