Integrated nitrogen management in sesame (sesamum indicum L.)

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Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani
A field experiment was conducted during kharif season of 2019-20 at Experimental Farm, Agronomy section, College of Agriculture, Latur to find out the efficient organic source of nitrogen and effective integration of nitrogen through inorganic fertilizers and organic manure. The experimental site was clayey in texture, alkaline in reaction, high in organic carbon (0.85%) with low available nitrogen (121.3 kg ha-1) and medium in available phosphorus (18.57 kg ha-1) and high in available potash (499.9 kg ha-1). Total nine treatments comprising of nitrogen management practices viz., T1-Control, T2-100%N (Urea), T3-75%N (Urea) + 25%N (FYM), T4-75%N (Urea) + 25%N (Vermicompost), T5-75%N (Urea) + 25%N (Poultry manure), T6-75%N (Urea) + 25%N (Neem cake), T7-75%N(Urea) + 25%N (Karanj cake),T8-75%N (Urea) + 25%N (Castor cake),T9-75%N (Urea) + Azotobactor were evaluated in Randomized Block Design with three replications. The sesame (JLT-408) used for the study. In June-July 2019, there was no rainfall. In 31st M.W., after receiving the 95.4 mm rainfall and sufficient soil moisture available, sowing was undertaken on 2/8/2019. Nitrogen and phosphorus were applied as per treatments through urea and SSP, whereas organic manures were applied as per the treatments before sowing the seed by drilling method. The sowing was done on medium black soil on spacing 45×15 cm2. Among the different organic manures applied, the application of 75%N through (Urea) + 25%N through (Poultry manure) (T5) was found beneficial in increasing growth attributes viz., higher plant height (81.67cm), dry matter plant-1 (37g), number of branches plant-1 (4.2), while yield attributes viz., number of capsules plant-1 (53.80), seed yield plant-1 (8.95 g), capsule yield plant-1 (45.21 g), test weight (3.9 g) and harvest index (14.67%). Significantly, higher oil content (48.67%) and oil yield (251 kg ha-1) was noticed due to application of 75%N (Urea) + 25%N (Poultry manure) (T5). Based on economics, the application of 75%N (Urea) + 25%N (Poultry manure) (T5) secured significantly highest seed yield (516 kg ha-1), GMR (₹ 51642 ha-1) and NMR (₹ 29106 ha-1) with B : C ratio (2.29).