Response of soybean varieties to different moisture conservation practices under rainfed condition

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Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani
The experiment was conducted during kharif season of the year 2019 at Experimental Farm of Agronomy section. College of Agriculture, Latur, to study the Assessment of land configuration and varieties of soybean. The experimental field was levelled and well drained. The soil was clayey in texture, low in available nitrogen (108.00 kg ha’1), low in available phosphorus (8.18 kg ha’1), very high unavailable potassium (430.00 kg ha’1) and slightly alkaline in reaction (7.45 pH). The experiment was laid out in a factorial Randomized Block Design with 12 treatments combinations, consisting three varieties viz, V1-MAUS-71, V2- MAUS-162 and V3- DS-228 and four land configurations viz, flatbed (45 cm x 5 cm) (L1), ridges and furrows (L2), Opening of furrows after every two rows (L3) and L1 + Mulching. The gross plot size each experimental unit was 5.4 m x 4.5 m and net plot size was 4.5x 3.6 m respectively. Sowing was done by dibbling method on 2nd August 2019. The RDF was applied before sowing. The recommended cultural practices and plant protection measures were undertaken as per recommendation. Soybean varieties DS-228 was found to be beneficial in improving growth characters, yield attributes and yield in soybean over MAUS -162 and MAUS- 71. Among different land configuration sowing with ridges and furrows was found to be beneficial in improving growth characters, yield attributes and yield in soybean over flatbed opening of furrows after every two rows and L1 + Mulching.