Standardization of Sister Planting Pattern for Growth, Yield and Quality in Pea (Pisum sativum L.)

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Division of Vegetable Science and Floriculture Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences andTechnology of Jammu
The present investigation entitled “Standardization of Sister Planting Pattern for Growth, Yield and Quality in Pea (Pisum sativum L.)” comprising of 7 treatments with two spacing was carried out at Vegetable Experimental Farm, Division of Vegetable Science and Floriculture, FOA, Chatha, SKUAST-J, during the year 2018-2019. The experiment was laid out in Randomised Block Design (factorial) with three replication. The observations were recorded on: Days to 50% flowering, Days to 50% pod setting, Days to marketable maturity, Plant height (cm), No. of pods/plant, Pod length(cm), Pod weight (g), Shelling percentage (%), Green pod yield (q/ha), Dry matter content (%), T.S.S content (oBrix), Incidence of powdery mildew and leaf miner (%), Total productivity of sister crops (q/ha) and B:C Ratio. Days to 50% flowering and pod setting were not influenced by the planting methods and their interaction with the spacing. However, these parameter were significantly influenced by the plant spacing. A closer spacing of 40 cm x 10cm took less number of days to 50% flowering (73.19) and 50% pod setting(83.71).Marketable maturity was significantly influenced by the planting methods and spacing and their interaction. Sole pea crop grown at a spacing of 40cm x 10cm (T1S1) took lesser number of days for maturity(100.33). The planting methods and plant spacing had significant effect on the plant height. Maximum plant height (105.06cm) was recorded in inter row planting of pea with broad bean with the plant spacing of 40cm x 10cm which was significantly more than other treatment combinations. The number of pods/ plant that is the main indicator of yield component, showed significant response towards the planting patterns, spacing and their interaction. Maximum number of pods (55.97) were found in sole pea crop grown at a spacing of 40cmx10cm (T1S1). Similar trend was recorded in green pod yield where in pea crop at the spacing of 40cmx10cm (T1S1) which was statistically superior than all other treatments. The pod length and pod weight were significantly influence by the planting methods but were not effected by the plant spacing. However the interaction between planting methods and spacing was significant towards the pod length. Maximum pod length (9.95cm) was recorded in sole pea crop grown at the spacing of 60cmx10cm.The shelling percentage an indicator of the potential yield, was significantly influenced by planting methods and spacing. Maximum shelling percentage of (55.87%) was recorded in inter row planting of pea with broad bean (T3)which was statistically at par with intra row planting of pea with broad bean (T2) and inter row planting of pea with winter maize (T5). Moreover plant spacing of 40cmx10cm give higher shelling percentage of (54.03%). The dry matter content and total soluble solid were not influenced by the plant spacing. However, the planting methods had significant effect on the dry matter content. Maximum dry matter content (25.13%) was recorded in inter row planting of pea with broad bean (T3). The incidence of powdery mildew and leaf miner were significantly influenced by the planting methods and were not influenced by the spacing and their interaction with planting methods. Maximum incidence of powdery mildew and leaf miner was recorded in inter row planting of pea with mustard (T7). The total productivity / economic yield of sister crops showed significant response towards the planting methods. However the interaction between the planting methods and spacing showed non significant effect towards the total productivity of broad bean, mustard and maize. Maximum economic yield in these sister crops was recorded in inter row planting of pea with these crops. Highest B:C ratio (3.6) was recorded in inter row planting of pea with broad bean spaced at 40cmx10cm (T3S1) followed by intra row planting of pea with broad bean at spacing of 40 cm x 10 cm. Minimum B:C ratio (1.4) was recorded in intra-row Planting of pea and mustard at 60cm x 10cm.