Biosystematics and barcording of pteromalidae (Hymenoptera:Chalcidoidea) of Kerala

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Department of Agricultural Entomology, College of Agriculture, Vellayani
The study entitled " Biosyslematics and barcoding of Pteromalidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) of Kerala" was conducted during the 2017-19 at the Department of Agricultural Entomology, College of Agriculture, Vellayani with the objective of identification, morphological and molecular characterization and documentation of parasitoid wasps (Pteromalidae) of Kerala. The base material for study was field collected specimens. Purposive sampling was carried out in 38 locations spread across 14 districts of Kerala. The specimens were collected by random sweep net method. The collections were made in the morning and afternoon when the insect activity was at the peak. The sweep contents were immediately transferred into absolute alcohol and the location and date of collection were recorded on the containers. The field collected specimens were examined under high power stereo microscope and initially all the specimens coming under Chalcidoidea were sorted out based on superfamily characters and stored in labelled vials in absolute alcohol. Pleomalid wasps were separated out from these vials and stored in alcohol in another set of vials according to location. The specimens were card mounted for morphometric analysis and characterization. The study revealed 2 genera and 4 species of Ptcromalids which are new to the World of science. The two new genus fall under the subfamily Miscogasterinae and Pteromalinae respectively. The four new speicies discovered are, Dinarmus sp. nov. 1, Mokrzeckia sp nov. 1, Panstenon sp. nov. 1 and Pansienon sp. nov. 2. The Dinarmus sp. nov. 1 was compared to Dinarmus maculatus^ Mokrzeckia sp. nov. 1 was compared to M pint and Panslenon sp. nov. 1 and P. nov. 2 was compared to P. collare