Studies on Shelf Life of Custard Apple Pulp under Different Storage Conditions

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Custard apple (Annona squamosaL.), is an important dry land fruit which belongs to the genus Annona of the family Annonaceae, which is indigenous to tropical America. In India, production of custard apple is 298.01 thousand tones. Approximately 55,000 hectares are dedicated to custard apple cultivation. Ripe custard apple is used for direct consumption as well as for making other preparation for food items. The custard apple pulp has very short shelf life at room temperature. The deep freezer storage can be done for extending the shelf life of custard apple pulp. The healthy mature ripe fruits were selected for the study during November 2018 to April 2019. The study consisted of total 18 treatments comprising of two temperatures with three preservatives (KMS 0.15%, ascorbic acid 0.25%, citric acid + sodium benzoate 1+0.1%) and three packaging films viz., LDPE 150, LDPE 300 and HDPE 220 gauge. The storage of extracted custard apple pulp was done in deep freezers at -10˚C and -20˚C temperatures. Since shelf life is affected by factors like storage conditions, type of preservatives used and packaging materials, an approach was followed to enhance the shelf life of custard apple pulp under given conditions. Some chemical properties such as water activity, pH, total soluble solids, colour, acidity, total sugar, reducing sugar and non reducing sugar was determined weekly during first month, every fortnight during second month and monthly after two months to evaluate the quality of stored pulp. It was observed that the water activity, pH and acidity of the pulp decreased and TSS, total sugar and reducing sugar was found to be increased under both storage conditions. Samples stored at -10˚C and treated with ascorbic acid and citric acid + sodium benzoate was spoiled after 30 days and 45 days of storage respectively. Low temperature storage allows maximum retention of all the quality parameters and extended storage life. Samples stored at -20˚C temperature treated with potassium metabisulphiteand packed in LDPE 300 gauge bags was found to be most acceptable on the basis of various quality attributes
Studies on Shelf Life of Custard Apple Pulp under Different Storage Conditions
Jain C. And Champawat P.S.