Multidimensional Analysis of Agriclinics and Agribusiness Centres (ACABC) for Entrepreneurship Development

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Division of Agricultural extension IARI new delhi
Agriculture is undergoing a huge transformation in recent years. It is swiftly transforming into technology and market-oriented ‘industry’ which is wide spread from agricultural production, to sophisticated agri-science, food technology, and agribusiness. The systematic initiation of agribusiness through Government of India launched as ‘Agriclinics and Agribusiness Centers (ACABC)’. The scheme of ACABC is being undertaken by MANAGE since 2002. This scheme is aimed to provide gainful self-employment opportunities to the unemployed agricultural graduates in the form agribusiness. It is also aimed to supplement the public extension system, increase the availability of inputs and services to the farmers for the improvement of agriculture. Considering the roles of ACABC scheme and support to the farmers, the present investigation was carried out to determine the factors motivating the candidates to join the scheme and start agribusiness, effectiveness of training curriculum for entrepreneurial learning, economic viability of these agribusiness, effects of extension support on the farmers provided by the agripreneurs, and the different constraints faced by the stakeholders of the ACABC scheme. The states of Uttar Pradesh and Telangana were selected purposively as both the states had a large number of successful candidates from the North and South zone of the country, respectively. 120 successful agripreneurs and 120 beneficiary farmers for the extension services were randomly selected from both the states. A semistructured interview schedule as well as focus group discussion was employed to collect data from the respondents of the study area. A pilot study was conducted to assess the reliability of the scale used for data collection. Empirical analysis and logical interpretations were used to analyze data thus collected. The determinants which motivated the candidates for joining ACABC scheme training were identified and then the Likert rating scale was used for data collection. There were four principal components identified, viz., economic factors, farmer support factors, marketing factors, and social factors by the use of Principal Component Analysis (PCA). It was found that four socio-economic variables (firm ii | Abstract age, age, educational background, and family size of agripreneurs) had a significant impact on the annual turnover of the agribusiness of agripreneurs. The content analysis of the training curriculum of the ACABC scheme was conducted and compared with the training curriculum of the RUDSETI programme training. It was found training sessions for the entrepreneurial learning under ACABC scheme was large which can be decreased to a suitable number of required sessions. Similarly, the subject matter in ACABC was covering a wide range of topics in different aspects, it can be lessened to the necessary and required subject matter for a specific enterprise. It was also found that the overall perceived effectiveness of the respondents for all the Kirkpatrick's levels of the evaluation was 'effective'. The economic viability of the selected enterprises was examined by the use of project analysis techniques. All the enterprises studied were found to be economically viable established under ACABC scheme. The payback period (PBP) was low for those enterprises which had low-cost involvement and the rotation factor for most of the enterprises was 1 to 3 years. All the agripreneurs were found to be providing extension services to the farmers in collaboration with ATMA at the district level. The perceived effectiveness of extension services of the agripreneurs, as well as the perceived impact on the livelihood of the farmers, was investigated in the study area. The overall effectiveness of the extension services was perceived as 'effective' by the farmers and the overall perceived impact of the extension services of agripreneurs on the farmers’ livelihood was found to be 'high'. There was also a direct and significant relationship between the farmers' perceived impact on livelihood and the effectiveness of extension services. The prospects of the ACABC scheme were studied through the SWOT-AHP framework. It was favored by the respondents due to high employment generation potential and the self-employment opportunity. There were ten constraints perceived by the agripreneurs for the ACABC scheme. Problem tree analysis was prepared to suggest strategies for the increase in the success rate of ACABC scheme. There is a need for a few modifications in the scheme to improve its implementation for development of agricultural entrepreneurship in the country. Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Agribusiness, ACABC scheme, Factor Analysis, Project Analysis technique, SWOT-AHP, Problem Tree Analysis