Influence of enzyme supplementation on intestinal physio chemical characteristics and nutrient digestablity in broilers

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Non-Starch Polysaccharide (NSP) in animal feeds is considered as anti nutritive factors in the cell wall of endosperm. Supplementation of NSP hydrolysing enzymes improved metabolizable energy, increased utilization of fat and protein, decreased viscosity of intestinal digesta. The present study was undertaken to find out the effect of supplementation of the NSP hydrolyzing exogenous enzymes to lower the recommended levels of energy and protein in the broiler diet. One hundred and forty four day old straight run Vencobb broiler chicks were randomly distributed to eight treatment groups with two replicates of nine chicks each. The treatment included reduction of 5 or 10% energy or protein or both with and without exogenous multienzyme mix containing cellulose, xylanase, pectinase and protease. The pH of the intestinal content, the relative viscosity of the digesta, amylase activity, tryptic activity, disaccharidase activity, lipase activity and ileal digestibility were determined in the intestinal digesta. The pH was significantly (P<0.05) low in 10% less energy and protein with enzyme supplementation group (5.84) followed by standard diet with enzyme (5.88) at 3rd week of age and at the 6th week of age 5% less energy and protein diet with enzyme recorded the lowest pH (5.98). The digesta viscosity was significantly (p<0.05) lowered in all the enzyme supplemented groups than the control. There was a significant (P<0.05) increase in amylase, maltase and lipase activities but no significant variation in the mean tryptic activity and the nutrient (dry matter, crude protein, ether extract and crude fibre) digestibilities between enzymes supplemented groups and control.