2D and 3D ultrasonographic study of hepatobiliary disorders in dogs and their etiological pattern

Liver disease in dogs can develop as a result ofmany different insults. A clinical study was conducted on clinical cases presented to the Small Animal Medicine Referral Clinic of Madras Veterinary College from 2010-2012. Cases presented with signs such as anorexia, lethargy, ascites, icterus, pigmented urine and vomiting were screened for liver disorders. Out of 23,289 dogs with gastrointestinal disorders, 100 dogs were found to have liver diseases of different kinds. Ultrasonography of liver was taken for diagnostic assessments. Liver Disease Group, was further subdivided into three groups; Biliary tract disorders, Parenchymal disorders and Neoplastic disorders. The liver was imaged using 3.5 MHz or 5.0 MHz transducer. The selection of frequency was based on the body size of the animal i.e. lower frequency transducer was selected for bigger body size. The incidence of liver disease was found to be 0.15 per cent of dogs in the hospital population and formed 0.43 per cent of gastrointestinal caseloads of the hospital. Non-descript dogs and the age group of 4-8 years were commonly affected. Dogs less than 4 years were also found to be affected with a higher incidence, but requires further studies to ascertain breed predisposition of nondescripts and assessment of risk factors such as infectious or toxic agents. Higher prevalence of biliary disorders in males and nondescript dogs also Warrants studies on breed predisposition and on risk factors. Ultrasound was found to be very useful in the diagnosis of canine liver disease and strategic interpretation of the results can be effectively used for identifying the canine liver disease and type of liver disease in majority of the cases. 3D ultrasound imaging was found to have superior diagnostic yield, especially to visualize the exact location of the lesions/ changes involved in the liver diseases.
Veterinary Science