Positive correlation between Somatic Cell Count and Beta – Casomorphin 7 level in cow milk

Somatic cell count (SCC) is an important trait indicating udder health and quality of milk. Proteolytic enzymes like pepsin, elastase are released from somatic cells, lead to cleavage of β-casein into a seven amino acid peptide, beta-casomorphin-7 (BCM-7). BCM-7 is structurally similar to morphine and exerts morphine like effect in the consumers. BCM-7 levels and somatic cell counts were analyzed in milk samples (n= 100)collected from cattle of different β-casein genotypes (A1/A1, A1/A2, A2/A2). The results showed positive correlation (R= 0.51) between SCC and BCM-7 level and 26% (R2 = 0.26) variance in the BCM-7 level was explained by SCC. To confirm the role of SCC in BCM-7 level, somatic cells were isolated from milk and different numbers (10000, 25000, 50000, 100k and 200k) of somatic cells were incubated with A1/A2 β– casein (100ng/μl) and the levels of BCM–7 was estimated using a commercial ELISA kit. Positive correlation (R= 0.87) was obtained between the SCC and BCM-7 level indicating the cleavage of β-casein in to BCM-7 as was hypothesized. SCC in cow milk explains 77% (R2 = 0.77) variance in the BCM-7 concentration. These preliminary results indicated the impact of SCC on BCM-7 level and cow milk quality.
Veterinary Science