"Studies on Integrated Nutrient Management in Aonla (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) cv. NA-7”

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Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu (J&K), Jammu
The present investigation entitled "Studies on integrated nutrient management in aonla (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) cv. NA-7" were carried outduring 2016 and 2017 to study the integrated nutrient management in aonla. The maximum plant height (10.92 per cent), canopy volume(40.32 per cent) was observedwith the application of cent per cent nitrogen through urea augmented with Azotobacterwhereas, number of fruits (2389.57 per tree), weight (48.56 g), volume (47.80 cc), size (4.52 x 5.24 cm), pulp weight (40.49 g) and fruit yield (116.05 kg per tree) was recorded in trees receiving 25 per cent nitrogen as FYM and rest through urea augmented with Azotobacter. The chemical characteristics viz., TSS (11.260Brix), total sugars (6.72 per cent) was found significantly maximum in trees receiving 50 per cent nitrogen through FYM and 50 percent urea augmented with Azotobacter, whereas, the ascorbic acid content was found maximum (625.23 mg/100g of pulp) with cent per cent nitrogen through FYM augmented with Azotobacter. The application of poultry manure with integrated sources of nitrogen showed significant results among physico-chemical characteristics of aonla and recorded maximum number of fruits (2408.54 per tree), fruit weight (50.19 g), volume (49.67 cc), size (4.54 x 5.26 cm), pulp weight (41.93 g) and yield (120.88 kg per tree) in the trees receiving 50 per cent nitrogen through poultry manure and remaining as urea augmented with Azotobacter as compared to other treatments while, the chemical characteristics viz., TSS (11.52 0Brix), total sugars (6.77 per cent) and reducing sugars (3.44 per cent) was observed maximum in trees receiving 75 per cent nitrogen through poultry manure and 25 per cent nitrogen through urea augmented with Azotobacter, whereas, the ascorbic acid contents was found maximum (626.53 mg/100g of pulp) with cent per cent nitrogen through application of poultry manure augmented with Azotobacter. The maximum plant height (12.36 per cent) and canopy volume (43.81 per cent) was resulted with the integration of cent per cent nitrogen through urea augmented with Azotobacter. The vermicompost when integrated with other sources of nitrogen significantlyincreased plant height (11.54 per cent) and canopy volume (40.82 per cent) with the application of cent per cent nitrogen through urea augmented with Azotobacter.Similarly, number of fruits (2387.81 per tree), weight (49.45g), volume (48.22 cc), size (4.53 x 5.25 cm), pulp weight (41.55 g) and yield (118.09 kg per tree) was recorded maximum in trees comprising 25 per cent nitrogen through vermicompost and 75 per cent nitrogen as urea augmented with Azotobacter while, the TSS (11.280Brix), total sugars (6.74 per cent) and reducing sugars (3.43 per cent)wasobserved maximum in trees receiving 50 per cent nitrogen through vermicompost and 50 per cent through urea augmented with Azotobacterwhile, the ascorbic acid content was recorded maximum (625.66 mg/100g of pulp) with cent per cent nitrogen with the application of vermicompost augmented with Azotobacter. Use of organics alone or in combination with inorganics and Azotobacter influenced leaf, fruit and soil nutrient status as well as soil microbial population in aonla.Use of FYM to supply cent per cent nitrogen augmented with Azotobacter resulted in highest Azotobacter counts (27.3 x 104 cfu),bacterial counts (28.5 x 106 cfu) and fungal counts (24.9 x 105 cfu ). Similarly use of cent per cent nitrogen as poultry manure recorded maximum Azotobacter counts (26.3 x104 cfu),bacterial counts (28.1 x 106 cfu) and fungal counts (24.0 x 105 cfu ). Replacing cent per cent nitrogen with vermicompost augmented with Azotobacter counts (28.9 x104 cfu),bacterial counts (27.1 x 106 cfu) and fungal counts (28.1 x 105 cfu ).Highest available soil nitrogen (279.04 kg per hectare) was obtained when trees were treated with 50 per cent of nitrogen through poultry manure and 50 per cent of nitrogen through urea augmented with Azotobacter. Whereas, maximum available soil nitrogen (276.80 kg per hectare) and (274.03 kg per hectare) was recorded with the integration of 25 per cent nitrogen through vermicompost/FYM and 75 per cent through urea augumented with Azotobacter. The economics of the study showed highest benefit cost ratio (1:4.71) per hectare with the application of 50 per cent nitrogen through poultry manure and 50 per cent nitrogen through urea augmented with Azotobacter. Basedon the experimental result obtained, it wasconcluded that 50 per cent nitrogen requirement could be met through urea and 50 per cent through poultry manure, however, 75 per cent nitrogen through urea and 25 per cent nitrogen either through FYM along with Azotobacter or 25 per cent nitrogen through vermicompost augmented with Azotobacter wasalso found equal effective in increasing yield, quality and nutrient status of aonla.