Assessment of microbial communities in rhizosphere and phyllosphere of fruit tree species during different seasons

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The present investigation was carried out with the objective to access the chemical properties and microbial biomass in the rhizosphere and phyllosphere of fruit tree species during different season at CCS HAU, Hisar during 2018-19. Soil samples were collected from seven fruit tree orchards viz. mango, guava, aonla, ber, bael, jamun, sweet orange along with control (uncultivated land) from rhizospheric soil and inter row spaces at 0-30 cmdepth during summer, rainy and winter season for estimation of soil chemical properties and microbial biomass. Similarly, leaf samples were collected from the phyllosphere of all the fruit tree species and season under study for microbial biomass count. The experiment was laid out in RBD with three replications. Results revels that pH value, OC, N, P, K, Zn contents increased significantly with all the fruit orchards over control (uncultivated land). However, maximum pH, EC, OC, CN ratio, available N, P, K, Zn and Fe (8.30, 0.33 dS/m, 0.54 %, 11.63, 126.26 kg/ha, 32.24 kg/ha, 284.93 kg/ha, 2.10 ppm and 3.34 ppm) was found in aonla, sweet orange, jamun, jamun, guava, sweet orange, guava, ber and sweet orange, respectively. Highest EC, CEC, OC and available K were found in winter season but pH, EC, available N, Zn, Mn and B contents were recorded maximum in summer season.CN ratio and available P were maximum in rainy season. Inter row spaces soil had highest pH, CEC, CN ratio and Zn contents while maximum OC, Available N, P, K, Fe, Mn and B contents was observed under the canopy of fruit trees. Maximum TBC, PSB and nitrogen fixers were found in mango orchard during summer and rainy while maximum fungal count in jamun orchard during all the seasons over control. Maximum increase in actinomycetes was counted in guava during summer and winter while in mango during rainy season. In phyllosphere of different fruit tree orchards maximum TBC was observed in mango during summer, jamun during rainy, aonla and sweet orange during winter season. Highest diazotrophs were observed in aonla during summer and in jamun phyllosphere during rainy and winter season. Microbial populations and fungal count decreased by 13.06 % to 42.02 % from summer to rainy season, whereas increased by 10.80 % to 32.39 % from rainy to winter season in respect to phyllosphere of all the fruit tree species.