Response of broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica L.) to lime and foliar application of boron and zinc in lateritic soil of Bhubaneswar

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Department of Vegetable science, OUAT, Bhubaneswar
The present investigation entitled, “Response of broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica L.) to lime and foliar application of boron and zinc in lateritic soil of Bhubaneswar” was carried out during Rabi season of 2018-19 at Department of Vegetable Science, College of Agriculture, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. The objective was to study the impact of lime, micronutrients (B and Zn) and spraying schedule on growth, yield and quality of broccoli variety “Palam Samridhi”. The field experiment was conducted by adopting split – split plot design with main plot as lime (@ 0.2 LR and 0.3 LR), sub plot as micronutrients (viz; 3 levels: foliar application of boron @ 0.2 %, ZnSO4 @ 0.5 % and their combinations i.e. borax @ 0.2 % + ZnSO4 @ 0.5 %) and sub-sub plot as spraying schedule of micronutrients (once and twice), replicated thrice. The results indicated that application of lime @ 0.2 LR significantly increased the vegetative growth (plant height- 58.07 cm and plant spread E-W-61.29 cm), head yield attributing parameters (central head diameter-17.49 cm), head yield (143.98 qha-1), quality of heads (TSS-9.36 oBrix, ascorbic acid-121.22 mg 100g-1, reducing sugar-1.90% and crude protein content-1.536 %), nutrient uptake ( NPK and Zn @ 85.10, 54.37, 49.94 and 1.566 kg ha-1, respectively) with highest B:C ratio of 1.68 in broccoli variety “Palam Samridhi”. Similarly, combined spraying of micronutrients as borax @ 0.2 % + ZnSO4 @ 0.5 % significantly increased vegetative growth (plant height-61.71 cm, plant girth- 10.22 cm, plant spread E-W-62.89 cm and plant spread N-S-63.65 cm); head yield attributing parameters (viz. weight and diameter of central head- 266.03 g, 16.98 cm; secondary head weight- 150.29 g and total head weight- 416.32 g with minimum production of defective heads-13.90 %); head yield (145.76 qha-1), quality of heads (TSS- 9.59 oBrix and crude protein content-1.630 % ), nutrient uptake (NPKB and Zn @ 91.58, 57.23, 53.55, 0.209 and 1.612 kg ha-1, respectively) with highest B:C ratio of 1.62, irrespective of lime and spraying schedule. Invariably, spraying of micronutrients once recorded significantly better results in terms of vegetative growth (plant height-56.86 cm and number of leaves plant-1- 23.44), head yield attributing parameters (secondary head weight- 135.06 g and number of leaves at the time of head formation- 19.32), quality of heads (ascorbic acid- 122.22 mg 100 g-1 and crude protein content- 1.452 %), nutrient uptake (NPKB and Zn @ 84.32, 54.68, 49.72, 0.199 and 1.558 kg ha-1, respectively) with B:C ratio of 1.61 than spraying of micronutrients twice. Thus, it may be concluded that application of lime @ 0.2 LR along with combined spraying of micronutrients once as borax @ 0.2 % + ZnSO4 @ 0.5 % not only increases the vegetative growth, head yield & quality attributes but also increases the uptake of nutrients with higher Benefit Cost ratio in broccoli variety “Palam Samridhi”.