Assessment of onion [allium cepa L.] responses to bioregulators under specific growth stage of water logging condition cv. bhima kiran

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Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani
An investigation on “Assessment of onion (Allium cepa L.) responses to bio−regulators under specific growth stage of water logging condition” Cv. Bhima Kiranwas undertaken was conducted at research farm of ICAR–National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management (NIASM), Malegaon (kh) Baramati in Pune district of Maharashtra, India during 2019-19 in rabiseason.. The experiment was laid out in Complete Randomized Block Design (CRBD) with two factors replicated thrice by using the variety Bhima Kiran. The treatment comprises of first factor of plant bio-regulators viz, B1-KNO3(20g/L), B3-Thiourea (800 ppm), B3-Salicylic acid (15µM), B4-Sodium Benzoate (200 mg /L) and Control, (no PBR) andsecond factor of water logging stress W1 at 30 DAT,W2 at 60 DAT, W3 at 90 DAT. Overall there were fifteen treatment combinations. The experiment framed was intended to find out most promising PBRs to elevate the water logging stress and find the most sensitive stage of water logging in onion. The data on vegetative growth, physiological and yield attributing parameters were recorded and subjected for statistical analysis. The results revealed thatplant bio-regulators B1-KNO3 (20g/L) wererecorded maximum plant height (56.56cm), plant girth/ collar thickness (20.29mm), geometric mean diameter (55.39 mm),NDVI (0.51), relative water contents (93.27%) Soil moisture contents (22.68%), bulb moisture contents (88.91%), marketable bulb yield (30.99 t/ha), unmarketable bulb yield (0.17 t/ha), weight of bulb (112.30 g), total biomass (7.32t/ha), dicentric bulb (5.84 %), total bulb yield (33.09 t/ha), harvesting Index (84.31 %), TSS content (15.00%) and low canopy Temperature (27.97 0C) was recorded also in KNO3,While unmarketable bulb yield (0.17 t/ha) and dicentric bulb (5.84 %), was recorded in salicylic acid. Whereas water logging stress W2(60 DAT) were recorded sensitive stage to water logging stress in present investigation, water logging stress drastically affect on various parameters which was reducedplant height (34.12cm), plant girth/ collar thickness (13.43mm), geometric mean diameter (30.36 mm), NDVI (0.28), relative water contents (74.13%) soil moisture contents (11.69 %), bulb moisture contents (83.46%), marketable bulb yield (24.66 t/ha), weight of bulb (95.68 g), total biomass (4.93 t/ha), , total bulb yield (26.29 t/ha), harvesting Index (77.09), TSS content (14.16%) while canopy temperature (44.66 0C), unmarketable bulb yield (0.28 t/ha), dicentric bulb (10.50 %) increased during W2 (60 DAT). The interaction effect of plant bio-regulators and water logging stress on morphological, physiological and yield attributing parameter of onion indicated that the treatment combination B1W1 recorded highest plant height (59.52 cm), plant girth/ collar thickness (20.22 mm), geometric mean diameter (58.87 mm), canopy temperature (26.55 0C), NDVI (0.52), relative water contents (95.23 %) soil moisture contents (25.03 %), bulb moisture contents (88.91%), marketable bulb yield (32.50 t/ha), unmarketable bulb yield (0.14 t/ha), weight of bulb (121 g), total biomass (7.45 t/ha), dicentric bulb (7.57 %), total bulb yield (33.85 t/ha), harvesting Index (88.88), TSS content (15.57%) respectively. while canopy temperature (26.55 0C) were reduced.These were improved significantly with PBRs. Thus it was showed that combining PBRs KNO3 and salicylic acid can further facilitate to implement water logging stress for sustaining productivity and quality of onion.