Producation potential of groundnut (arachis hypogea L.) as influenced by potassium application under different land configuration in summer season

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Rasal, Shamal Shrirang
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Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani
The field investigation entitled “Production potential of groundnut (Arachis hypogea L.) as influenced by potassium application under different land configuration in summer season.” was conducted on experimental farm, at Department of Agronomy, Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani, Maharashtra during summer season of 2018. The different objectives of the experiment were to assess the effect of various land configuration on growth and yield of summer groundnut, to assess the requirement of potassium for summer groundnut and to study the economics of different treatments. The experiment was conducted which consist of three land configurations as main plots and three levels of potassium as sub plots constituting nine treatment combinations which were replicated thricely in split plot design. The three land configurations of L1: Broad bed furrows (BBF), L2: Ridges and furrows (R&F) and L3: Flat beds (FB) were tested with three potassium levels i.e. K1 (0 Kg ha-1), K2 (25 Kg ha-1) and K3 (50 Kg ha-1) in the investigation. The gross and net plot sizes were 4.5 m x 6.0 m and 4.4 m x 5.7 m, respectively. Sowing was done by dibbling at spacing of 30 cm x 10 cm. The recommended dose of fertilizer (25:50:00 Kg NPK ha-1) was applied at the time of sowing through urea and SSP while, sub plot treatments i.e. potassium were applied 30 DAS through MOP. The growth parameters were influenced by various land configurations. Broad bed furrow (L1) recorded highest plant height, leaf area plant-1, number of branches plant-1, number of pegs plant-1 and total dry matter accumulation plant-1 over rest of the land configurations. All the yield attributes like number of pods plant-1, weight of pods plant-1, dry pod yield (Kg ha-1), haulm yield (Kg ha-1) and biological yield (Kg ha-1) were found significantly higher under Broad Bed Furrow (BBF) land configuration than rest of the land configurations i.e. Ridges and Furrow (R&F) and Flat Beds (FB). Broad bed furrow (L1), recorded higher GMR, NMR, benefit: cost ratio over rest of the land configurations. Among the different potassium levels, potassium application with 50 Kg ha-1 (K3) found significantly higher over rest of the potassium levels i.e. 25 Kg ha-1 (K2) and 0 kg ha-1 (K1) in most growth parameters but found at par with treatment 25 Kg K2O ha-1 (K2). Similar results were obtained in case of yield attributes like number of pods plant-1, weight of pods plant-1, dry pod yield (Kg ha-1), Haulm yield (Kg ha-1) and biological yield (Kg ha-1). Higher economical benefits i.e. GMR, NMR, benefit: cost ratio were recorded with potassium level of 50 Kg ha-1 (K3) but found at par with potassium level of 25 Kg ha-1. However, BBF method of land configuration and potassium levels did not influence the quality attributes i.e. oil and protein content