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College of Horticulture, Rajendranagar, HYD-30
The present investigation entitled “Studies on the effect of planting dates and levels of pinching on growth, flowering yield and trapping efficiency of pheromones in Marigold (Tagetes erecta) cv. Arka Agni “was carried out at College of Horticulture, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad during Rabi, 2017-18. The first experiment “Effect of planting dates and levels of pinching on growth, flowering and yield of Marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) cv. Arka Agni. The main objective of the investigation was to find out the performance of Arka Agni under staggered planting and different levels of pinching. The Experiment was carried out in FRBD with 2 factors, 12 treatment combination and replicated thrice. The results of experiment revealed that among different date of planting time, 2nd fortnight of September (D1) showed maximum significant effect on plant height at 30, 60, 90 DAP (23.76 cm, 32.69 cm and 53.21cm) respectively. Plant spread (37.62 cm and 36.55 cm in east-west and north-south directions respectively) and number of branches per plant (9.12 and 14.09 primary and secondary branches respectively) were significantly maximum in 2nd fortnight of October and minimum in 1st fortnight of November (D4). Among flowering parameters number of days taken for 50% flower bud appearance (40.71 days) and number of days for 50% flower opening (56.83 days) 2nd fortnight October (D3) has recorded minimum number of days and maximum days in November planting. Flowering duration (52.07), number of flowers per plant (50.51 ), weight of flowers per plant (417.77 gm), diameter of flower (6.88 cm), Average flower weight (8.29 gm) total plot yield (10.43 kg) and yield per hectare (16.69 tonnes) was maximum in 2nd fortnight of October planting and minimum in 1st fortnight of November planting. Different levels of pinching i.e P0- no pinching, P1- single pinching at 20 DAT and P2- double pinching at 12 days after 1st pinching. Results showed significant effect on plant height at 30, 60, 90 days. Maximum plant height recorded in P0 (23.65 cm, 33.12 cm, 52.94 cm) and minimum in P2.Plant spread (37.69 cm E-W, 36.68 cm N-S) and number of branches per plant (8.98 primary branches and 13.93 secondary branches) shown maximum in P2 and minimum in P0 (No pinching) Pinching levels on flowering parameters also shown significant effect. Diameter of flower (6.54 cm) and average weight of a flower (8.08 gm) is maximum in P0 and minimum in P2 (Double pinching). Number of days taken to 50% flower bud initiation (39.54 days), Number of days for 50% flower opening (57.31 days) is seen early in P0 and P2 has recorded more number of days. Flowering duration (50.48), number of flowers per plant (53.09 ), weight of flowers per plant (403.76 gm) total yield per plot (10.12 kg) and total yield per hectare (16.19 tonnes) was recorded maximum in P2 (double pinching) and minimum observations were recorded in P0 ( No pinching). Interaction between dates of planting and levels of pinching revealed that the plant height at 30, 60, 90 DAT (26.86 cm, 37.06 cm 57.88 cm respectively) recorded maximum in D1P0 and minimum in D4P2. Plant spread in both directions (40.90 cm E-W and 39.13 cm N-S ), Number of branches (9.73 primary branches 16.29 secondary branches) flowering duration (56.23days), number of flower per plant (55.15), weight of flowers per plant (440.88gm) and total yield per plot (11.12 kg) and total yield per hectare (17.79 tonnes) was maximum in D3P2 (2nd fortnight of October + double pinching) whereas minimum in D4P0 (1st fortnight of November + No pinching). The second experiment was The second experiment was The second experiment was The second experiment was The second experiment was The second experiment was The second experiment was The second experiment was ‘Study tudytudy on trapping efficiency of pheromones on trapping efficiency of pheromones on trapping efficiency of pheromones on trapping efficiency of pheromones on trapping efficiency of pheromones on trapping efficiency of pheromones on trapping efficiency of pheromones on trapping efficiency of pheromones on trapping efficiency of pheromones on trapping efficiency of pheromones on trapping efficiency of pheromones on trapping efficiency of pheromones on trapping efficiency of pheromones on trapping efficiency of pheromones on trapping efficiency of pheromones on trapping efficiency of pheromones in relation to weather parameters in relation to weather parameters in relation to weather parametersin relation to weather parameters in relation to weather parameters in relation to weather parametersin relation to weather parameters in relation to weather parametersin relation to weather parameters ’. Trap catches of Trap catches of Trap catches of Trap catches of Trap catches of Trap catches of Trap catches of H. armigera H. armigera H. armigera had a signif had a signif had a signif had a signif icant icant negative correlation with maximum negative correlation with maximum negative correlation with maximum negative correlation with maximum negative correlation with maximum negative correlation with maximumnegative correlation with maximum negative correlation with maximumnegative correlation with maximumnegative correlation with maximumnegative correlation with maximum (r = (r = -0.65 ) and ) and minimum minimum minimum minimum minimum temperature temperaturetemperaturetemperature temperature (r = r = -0.80 ). I RH (r = r = 0.01) was 0.01) was 0.01) was positively correlated, positively correlated, positively correlated, positively correlated, positively correlated, positively correlated, positively correlated, II RH (r = r = -0.38 ) is negatively ) is negatively ) is negatively ) is negatively ) is negatively ) is negatively correlated. The regression coefficient revealed that the various abiotic factors The regression coefficient revealed that the various abiotic factors The regression coefficient revealed that the various abiotic factors The regression coefficient revealed that the various abiotic factors The regression coefficient revealed that the various abiotic factors The regression coefficient revealed that the various abiotic factors The regression coefficient revealed that the various abiotic factors The regression coefficient revealed that the various abiotic factors The regression coefficient revealed that the various abiotic factors The regression coefficient revealed that the various abiotic factors The regression coefficient revealed that the various abiotic factors The regression coefficient revealed that the various abiotic factors The regression coefficient revealed that the various abiotic factors The regression coefficient revealed that the various abiotic factors The regression coefficient revealed that the various abiotic factors The regression coefficient revealed that the various abiotic factors were found to be most influencing factor, which contributed 83.02 per cent were found to be most influencing factor, which contributed 83.02 per centwere found to be most influencing factor, which contributed 83.02 per cent were found to be most influencing factor, which contributed 83.02 per cent were found to be most influencing factor, which contributed 83.02 per cent were found to be most influencing factor, which contributed 83.02 per centwere found to be most influencing factor, which contributed 83.02 per cent were found to be most influencing factor, which contributed 83.02 per cent were found to be most influencing factor, which contributed 83.02 per cent were found to be most influencing factor, which contributed 83.02 per centwere found to be most influencing factor, which contributed 83.02 per cent were found to be most influencing factor, which contributed 83.02 per cent were found to be most influencing factor, which contributed 83.02 per cent were found to be most influencing factor, which contributed 83.02 per cent were found to be most influencing factor, which contributed 83.02 per cent were found to be most influencing factor, which contributed 83.02 per cent were found to be most influencing factor, which contributed 83.02 per centwere found to be most influencing factor, which contributed 83.02 per cent were found to be most influencing factor, which contributed 83.02 per cent (R 2 = 0.83) variation variation . Among different dates of planting and levels of pinching 2nd fortnight of October and double pinching was given more yield. This might be due to the availability of congenial growing conditions and manipulating the plant architecture by pinching. Trap catches may provide meaningful index for estimating population densities of the pests. Trap catches in relation to environmental factors were crucially important for decision making. It served as a forewarning tool so that timely pest management measures can be adopted.
Among different dates of planting and levels of pinching 2nd fortnight of October and double pinching was given more yield. This might be due to the availability of congenial growing conditions and manipulating the plant architecture by pinching. Trap catches may provide meaningful index for estimating population densities of the pests. Trap catches in relation to environmental factors were crucially important for decision making. It served as a forewarning tool so that timely pest management measures can be adopted
Sri Konda Laxman Telangana State Horticultural University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-30