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College of Horticulture, Rajendranagar, HYD-30
The present investigation“Studies on the effect of integrated nutrient management on growth, flowering and postharvest vase life of Italian aster (Aster amellus L.) cv. „Purple Multipetal‟” was carried out at the Floricultural Research Station, (Agricultural Research Institute) Rajendranagar, Sri Konda Laxman Telangana State Horticultural University, Hyderabad during September 2017 to January 2018. The experiment was conducted in a Randomized Block Design with three replications and eight treatments viz., T1 (100% RDF), T2 (RDF 50%+RDF 50% through VC), T3 (RDF 50% +RDF 50% through VC + Azo), T4 (RDF 50%+ RDF 50% through VC + PSB), T5 (RDF 50% + RDF 50% through FYM), T6 (RDF 50% + RDF 50% through FYM + PSB), T7 ( RDF 50% + RDF 50% through VC + Azo + PSB), T8 ( RDF 50% + RDF 50% through FYM + Azo + PSB). Integrated nutrient management had significant effect on growth parameters, treatment i.e. T7 (RDF 50% + RDF 50% through VC + Azo + PSB) resulted in maximum plant height at 30 (18.36 cm), 60 (32.20 cm), 90 (52.16 cm) and 120 (64.25 cm) DAP. The maximum plant spread E-W (17.23, 28.36, 30.52 and 34.30 cm), N-S (14.33, 26.63, 29.46 and 33.4 cm) and number of leaves per plant (15.20, 45.06, 81.02 and 198.06) was recorded in T7 (RDF 50% + RDF 50% through VC + Azo + PSB) at 30, 60, 90 and 120 DAP respectively. Maximum leaf length (14.66, 17.50 and 19.50 cm), leaf width (1.66, 2.72 and 2.85 cm), leaf area (14.61, 15.70 and 16.68 cm2) leaf area index (0.014, 0.015 and 0.016 cm2) was recorded in T7 (RDF 50% + RDF 50% through VC + Azo + PSB) at 30, 60 and 90 DAP respectively. Maximum number of suckers per plant (6.33, 10.16 and 15.46) was recorded in T7 (RDF 50% + RDF 50% through VC + Azo + PSB) at 60, 90 and 120 DAP respectively. Maximum chlorophyll content of the leaf (57.83 SPAD units) and dry matter accumulation (g) in root (18.16 g), stem (28.13 g) and leaves (26.93 g) per plant was recorded in T7 (RDF 50% + RDF 50% through VC + Azo + PSB) at time of harvesting respectively. Significant variations were observed among different combinations of inorganic, organic and bio fertilizers application with respect to floral parameters, minimum number of days (69.66 days) taken to flower bud initiation and 50 per cent flowering (81.73 days) was recorded in T7 (RDF 50% + RDF 50% through VC + Azo + PSB). Maximum number of flowers per plant (300.33), number of flowers per spike (181.00) number of spikelets per spike (35.20), number of flower spikes per plant (4.20), number of flower spikes per plot (105.00), number of flower spikes per ha.(4.66 lakhs), fresh weight of ten flowers (2.02 g), dry weight ten of flowers (1.20 g), flower longevity (18.43 days), diameter of the flower (2.99 cm) and spike length (54.28 cm) was recorded in T7 (RDF 50% + RDF 50% through VC + Azo + PSB). With respect to nutrient analysis of available nutrients (N, P and K) in the soil after harvesting, maximum available N (189.13 kg/ ha.), P (52.60 kg/ha.), K (154.43 kg/ha.) was recorded in T7. Maximum N, P and K content in leaves before flowering (2.95%, 0.85% and 2.38%) and at time of harvesting (2.68%, 0.72% and 2.28%) was recorded in T7 (RDF 50% + RDF 50% through VC + Azo + PSB) respectively. Regarding to potassium content in leaves significant difference was not observed among the treatments. In the postharvest studies, maximum fresh weight of the spike (90.71 g), vase life (8.03 days) transpirational loss of water (13.52, 11.26, 9.33 and 8.23 g/spike) was recorded in T7 (RDF 50% + RDF 50% through VC + Azo + PSB) at 2nd day, 4th day, 6th day and 8th day respectively. Minimum fresh weight change (%) also recorded in T7 (RDF 50% + RDF 50% through VC + Azo + PSB). With respect to benefit cost ratio maximum benefit cost ratio (3.38) was recorded in T7 (RDF 50% + RDF 50% through VC + Azo + PSB). Based on above results, it can be concluded that the application of inorganic fertilizers, organic manures along with inoculation of Azospirillum and PSB results in higher flower yield in Italian aster. Therefore application of RDF 50% through inorganic + 50% through VC + Azo + PSB (T7) recorded better plant growth, higher yield, quality and in addition to maximum postharvest vase life in Italian aster (Aster amellus L.) cv. ‘Purple Multipetal’.
The present investigation“Studies on the effect of integrated nutrient management on growth, flowering and postharvest vase life of Italian aster (Aster amellus L.) cv. „Purple Multipetal‟” was carried out at the Floricultural Research Station, (Agricultural Research Institute) Rajendranagar, Sri Konda Laxman Telangana State Horticultural University, Hyderabad during September 2017 to January 2018. The experiment was conducted in a Randomized Block Design with three replications and eight treatments viz., T1 (100% RDF), T2 (RDF 50%+RDF 50% through VC), T3 (RDF 50% +RDF 50% through VC + Azo), T4 (RDF 50%+ RDF 50% through VC + PSB), T5 (RDF 50% + RDF 50% through FYM), T6 (RDF 50% + RDF 50% through FYM + PSB), T7 ( RDF 50% + RDF 50% through VC + Azo + PSB), T8 ( RDF 50% + RDF 50% through FYM + Azo + PSB). Integrated nutrient management had significant effect on growth parameters, treatment i.e. T7 (RDF 50% + RDF 50% through VC + Azo + PSB) resulted in maximum plant height at 30 (18.36 cm), 60 (32.20 cm), 90 (52.16 cm) and 120 (64.25 cm) DAP. The maximum plant spread E-W (17.23, 28.36, 30.52 and 34.30 cm), N-S (14.33, 26.63, 29.46 and 33.4 cm) and number of leaves per plant (15.20, 45.06, 81.02 and 198.06) was recorded in T7 (RDF 50% + RDF 50% through VC + Azo + PSB) at 30, 60, 90 and 120 DAP respectively. Maximum leaf length (14.66, 17.50 and 19.50 cm), leaf width (1.66, 2.72 and 2.85 cm), leaf area (14.61, 15.70 and 16.68 cm2) leaf area index (0.014, 0.015 and 0.016 cm2) was recorded in T7 (RDF 50% + RDF 50% through VC + Azo + PSB) at 30, 60 and 90 DAP respectively. Maximum number of suckers per plant (6.33, 10.16 and 15.46) was recorded in T7 (RDF 50% + RDF 50% through VC + Azo + PSB) at 60, 90 and 120 DAP respectively. Maximum chlorophyll content of the leaf (57.83 SPAD units) and dry matter accumulation (g) in root (18.16 g), stem (28.13 g) and leaves (26.93 g) per plant was recorded in T7 (RDF 50% + RDF 50% through VC + Azo + PSB) at time of harvesting respectively. Significant variations were observed among different combinations of inorganic, organic and bio fertilizers application with respect to floral parameters, minimum number of days (69.66 days) taken to flower bud initiation and 50 per cent flowering (81.73 days) was recorded in T7 (RDF 50% + RDF 50% through VC + Azo + PSB). Maximum number of flowers per plant (300.33), number of flowers per spike (181.00) number of spikelets per spike (35.20), number of flower spikes per plant (4.20), number of flower spikes per plot (105.00), number of flower spikes per ha.(4.66 lakhs), fresh weight of ten flowers (2.02 g), dry weight ten of flowers (1.20 g), flower longevity (18.43 days), diameter of the flower (2.99 cm) and spike length (54.28 cm) was recorded in T7 (RDF 50% + RDF 50% through VC + Azo + PSB). With respect to nutrient analysis of available nutrients (N, P and K) in the soil after harvesting, maximum available N (189.13 kg/ ha.), P (52.60 kg/ha.), K (154.43 kg/ha.) was recorded in T7. Maximum N, P and K content in leaves before flowering (2.95%, 0.85% and 2.38%) and at time of harvesting (2.68%, 0.72% and 2.28%) was recorded in T7 (RDF 50% + RDF 50% through VC + Azo + PSB) respectively. Regarding to potassium content in leaves significant difference was not observed among the treatments. In the postharvest studies, maximum fresh weight of the spike (90.71 g), vase life (8.03 days) transpirational loss of water (13.52, 11.26, 9.33 and 8.23 g/spike) was recorded in T7 (RDF 50% + RDF 50% through VC + Azo + PSB) at 2nd day, 4th day, 6th day and 8th day respectively. Minimum fresh weight change (%) also recorded in T7 (RDF 50% + RDF 50% through VC + Azo + PSB). With respect to benefit cost ratio maximum benefit cost ratio (3.38) was recorded in T7 (RDF 50% + RDF 50% through VC + Azo + PSB). Based on above results, it can be concluded that the application of inorganic fertilizers, organic manures along with inoculation of Azospirillum and PSB results in higher flower yield in Italian aster. Therefore application of RDF 50% through inorganic + 50% through VC + Azo + PSB (T7) recorded better plant growth, higher yield, quality and in addition to maximum postharvest vase life in Italian aster (Aster amellus L.) cv. ‘Purple Multipetal’.
Sri Konda Laxman Telangana State Horticultural University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-30