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College of Horticulture, Rajendranagar, HYD-30
The present investigation entitled “Effect of organic treatments and spacing on growth and herb yield of kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata) var. CIM-Megha” was carried out at College of Horticulture, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad during rabi 2017-18. The main objective of the investigation was to find out the effect of organic treatments, spacing, and their interaction on growth and herb yield of kalmegh. The experiment was carried out in FRBD with fifteen treatments (four organic treatments and control at three different spacings) and replicated thrice. The results of the experiment revealed that growth and yield parameters significantly influenced due to different organic treatments at 30, 60, 90 DAP and at harvest. Among different organic treatments, M1-FYM 30 t/ha + AMC 7.5 l/ha recorded maximum plant height (23.25 cm, 29.96 cm, 32.67 cm, 38.7 cm), leaf area (20.43 cm2, 109.1cm2, 380 cm2, 743 cm2), LAI (0.05, 0.25, 0.73, 1.75), leaf stem ratio (4.97, 2.70,1.45, 0.71), fresh weight of leaves per plant (17.93 g, 22.56 g, 29.27 g, 43.7 g), dry weight of leaves per plant (7.67 g, 10.15 g, 14.49 g, 22.60 g), crop growth rate (26.13 g/day/m2, 13.12 g/day/m2, 6.62 g/day/m2, 3.85 g/day/m2), relative growth rate (233 mg/g/day, 116.7 mg/g/day, 58.3 mg/g/day, 13.3 mg/g/day),which were significantly superior over other organic treatments at 30, 60, 90 DAP and at harvest respectively and also recorded maximum fresh herb yield per plot (2.15 kg), dry herb yield per plot (1.07 kg), number of capsules per plant (257.4) and seed yield per plot (4.91 g) at harvest, followed by M3- Neem cake 7.5 t/ha + AMC 7.5 l/ha. Whereas minimun was recorded in the treatment M5- Control. The treatment M2 – Vermicompost 6t/ha + AMC 7.5 l/ha recorded maximum stem diameter (0.57 mm, 1.08 mm, 1.24 mm, 2.35 mm), followed by M3- Neem cake 7.5 t/ha +AMC 7.5 l/ha and minimun was recorded in the treatment M5- Control. Maximum number of primary branches per plant (1.6, 5.01, 10.87, 12.78), number of secondary branches per plant (0, 1.27, 3.15, 3.96), number of leaves per plant (17.87, 69.5, 172.2, 234.5), were recorded in M3- Neem cake 7.5 t/ha +AMC 7.5 l/ha, followed by M1-FYM (30 t/ha) + AMC 7.5 l/ha. While minimum was recorded in M5 – Control. Different spacings had significant influence on growth and yield parameters at 30, 60, 90 DAP and at harvest. Among different spacings , the spacing S1 (15 x 15 cm) recorded maximum plant height (23.15 cm, 30.29 cm, 37.35 cm, 40.77 cm), at 30, 60, 90 DAP and at harvest, and also recorded maximum fresh herb yield per plot (2.41 kg), dry herb yield per plot (1.21 kg), number of capsules per plant (278.85) and seed yield per plot (5.83 g) at harvest. Minimum was recorded in S3 (30 x 45 cm). Maximum stem diameter (0.68 mm, 1.08 mm, 1.24 mm, 2.83 mm), number of primary branches per plant (1.97, 6.57, 10.87, 12.78), number of secondary branches per plant (0, 1.83, 3.52, 4.80), number of leaves per plant (22.01, 70.82, 176.66, 243.46), leaf area (23.88 cm2, 113.4cm2, 397.04cm2, 755.7cm2), LAI ( 0.1, 0.44, 1.33, 2.60), leaf stem ratio(5.60, 3.20, 1.71, 0.85), fresh weight of leaves per plant (18.69 g, 29.02 g, 43.41 g, 57.81 g), dry weight of leaves per plant (8.86 g, 14.26 g, 20.88 g, 27.60 g), crop growth rate (32.08 g/day/m2, 16.04 g/day/m2, 8.09 g/day/m2, 4.80 g/day/m2), relative growth rate (244.48 mg/g/day, 122.75 mg/g/day, 61.12 mg/g/day, 16.12 mg/g/day) at 30, 60, 90 DAP and at harvest were recorded maximum at S3while minimum was recorded in S1 (15 x 15 cm). Interaction between organic treatments and spacing significantly influenced growth and yield parameters. The treatment M1S1 - FYM 30 t/ha + AMC (7.5 l/ha) with spacing S1 (15 x15 cm) recorded maximum plant height (24.06 cm, 32.30 cm, 41.30 cm, 45.64 cm) at 30, 60, 90 and at harvest, and also recorded maximum fresh herb yield per plot (3.12 kg), dry herb yield per plot (1.56 kg), number of capsules per plant (301.52), seed yield per plot (6.80 g) followed by M3S3- Neem cake 7.5 t/ha + AMC 7.5 l/ha with spacing S3 (30 x 45 cm). Minimum was recorded in M5S3 – control at spacing S3- (30 x 45 cm). The treatment M2S3 -Vermicompost 6t/ha + AMC (7.5 l/ha) with spacing S3 (30 x45 cm) recorded maximum stem diameter (0.89 mm, 1.34 mm, 1.59 mm, 3.43 mm), followed by M3S3- Neem cake 7.5 t/ha + AMC 7.5 l/ha at spacing S3 ( 30 x 45 cm). Minimum was recorded in the treatment M5S1- Control with spacing S1 (15 x 15 cm). The treatment M3S3 - Neem cake 7.5 t/ha + AMC 7.5 l/ha at spacing S3 ( 30 x 45 cm) recorded maximum number of primary branches per plant (3.21, 7.42, 15.15, 17.23), number of secondary branches per plant (0, 2.38, 4.82, 5.78), number of leaves per plant (23.02,72.02, 179.61, 281.81) followed by M1S3- FYM 30 t/ha + AMC (7.5 l/ha) with spacing S1 (30 x 45 cm). Minimum was recorded in M5S1- Control with spacing S1 (15 x 15 cm). The treatment M1S3- FYM 30 t/ha + AMC (7.5 l/ha) with spacing S3 (30 x 45 cm) recorded maximum leaf area (28.33cm2, 136.65cm2, 743cm2, 890.60 cm2), LAI (0.12, 0.55, 1.49, 1.75), leaf stem ratio (7.55, 4.43, 1.96, 0.94), fresh weight of leaves per plant (20.43 g, 30.6 g, 45.62 g, 60.63 g), dry weight of leaves per plant (10.51 g, 15.38 g, 22.08 g, 30.26 g), crop growth rate (36.41 g/day/m2, 18.21 g/day/m2, 9.51 g/day/m2, 7.14 g/day/m2), relative growth rate (251.23 mg/g/day, 126.08 mg/g/day, 62.77 mg/g/day, 17.32 mg/g/day) at 30, 60, 90 and at harvest, followed by the treatment M3S3 whereas minimum was recorded in the treatment M5S1. The present study clearly indicated that application of FYM (30 t/ha) + AMC (7.5 l/ha) at spacing S1 (15 x 15 cm) recorded highest herb yield followed by Neem cake (7.5 t/ha) + AMC (7.5 l/ha) with spacing S1 (15 x 15 cm). Highest benefit cost ratio was recorded in the treatment T1- FYM (30 t/ha) + AMC (7.5 l/ha) with spacing S1 (15 x 15 cm).
Sri Konda Laxman Telangana State Horticultural University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-30