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College of Horticulture, Rajendranagar, HYD-30
Apple ber (Zizyphus mauritiana) is a Thailand variety ber. It is a hardy minor tropical fruit, belongs to the family Rhamnaceae. Apple ber is developed by grafting Thailand green apple with Thai local ber. This fruit resembles green apple in its appearance and tastes like ber, hence the name Apple ber. It is also popularly known as “Telangana Apple” in Telangana state. The research entitled “Effect of surface coatings and packaging materials on shelf life and quality of Apple ber (Zizyphus mauritiana) at different storage conditions”. was carried out at College of Horticulture- Rajendranagar and cold storage at 10±2˚C in Post-Harvest Technology Research station, SKLTSHU, Rajendranagar. The experiment was conducted in two factor completely randomized design with three replications. Factor one includes nine treatments P1 – Aloe vera gel (1:3) + HDPE (High Density Polyethylene), P2 – Aloe vera gel (1:3) + PP (Polypropylene), P3 – Aloe vera gel (1:3) + CFB (Corrugated Fiberboard), P4–Chitosan 1% + HDPE (High Density Polyethylene), P5 – Chitosan 1% + PP (Polypropylene), P6 – Chitosan 1% + CFB (Corrugated Fiberboard), P7 – Aloe vera gel (1:3), P8 – Chitosan 1%, P9 – Control(without any surface coating and packaging) and factor two includes two storage condition S1-cold storage (10±2ºC) and S2-room temperature (22±2ºC). “The evaluation of physico-chemical characteristics and nutrient composition of Apple ber” was carried out at College of Horticulture, SKLTSHU, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad and MFPI Quality Control Laboratory, PJTSAU, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad. The physico-chemical characters of fresh apple ber were recorded as shape-round/ovoid, colour-L*(54.77) a*(-8.86) b*(24.95), firmness-12.86kg/cm2, weight of the fruit-95.37g, length of the fruit-6.008cm, width of the fruit-4.54cm, volume-13ml, specific gravity-4.42, edible matter-93.90%, Non-edible matter-6.10%, length of the seed-2.62cm, width of the seed-1.2cm, juice%-0.98%, TSS-10.21 ºB, titrable acidity-0.6%, total sugars-9.75%, reducing sugars-2.56%, non-reducing sugars-7.19% and nutrient composition of apple ber are moisture-86.07%, carbohydrates-29g/100g, protein-0.87/100g, vitamin-c-92.4mg/100g, calcium-0.51mg/100g, potassium-452mg/100g, phosphorus-36.8mg/100g and fat-0.34%. Parameters recorded were PLW(%), firmness(kg/cm2), spoilage(%), shelf life(days), browning, TSS(˚B), titrable acidity(%), brix acid ratio, ascorbic acid content(mg), total sugars(%), reducing sugars(%) and non-reducing sugars(%) at 3days interval. Organoleptic evaluation was done at the end of shelf life of treatments. A significance difference among the treatments with respect to parameters was observed. P4- Chitosan 1% + HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) recorded lowest PLW (2.48%), spoilage (53.33%), browning (4.52), titrable acidity (0.14%) and brix acid ratio (112.35), ascorbic acid content (61.20%), total sugars (14.40%) ,reducing sugars (7.36%) with shelf life of (16.50 days) on 21st day and highest score for organoleptic evaluation was recorded by P4 – Chitosan 1% + HDPE followed by P5 – Chitosan 1% + PP. There was a significant difference among two storage conditions. The lowest PLW (2.68%), spoilage (59.99%), browning (4.83), titrable acidity (0.15) and highest TSS (15.43), firmness (9.47), brix acid ratio (103.24), ascorbic acid content(58.91), total sugars (13.74), reducing sugars (7.03), non-reducing sugars (4.98), organoleptic score for colour and appearance (2.91), texture(3.82), taste(3.91), flavour (3.98), overall acceptability (3.70) was observed in S1-cold storage(10±2ºC) as compared to S2-room temperature shelf life of 18.10 days over control 10.88 days. Among the interaction significant difference was seen in all treatments and among them Chitosan 1% + HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) condition showed maximum shelf life (21.00 days) followed by Chitosan 1% + PP (Polypropylene) with shelf life (20.33 days) under cold storage conditions. Results of nutritional composition of apple ber fruit revealed that apple ber fruit is nutritious than ber, apple and citrus in term of vitamin-C (92.4mg/100g in apple ber) and it is also rich in minerals. From this study it could be concluded that surface coatings, packaging materials and different storage conditions effected the shelf life and quality of apple ber. Among the treatments Chitosan 1% + HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) is best followed by Chitosan 1% + PP (Polypropylene). Among both storage conditions fruits stored in cold storage(10±2ºC) gave better results with increase in shelf life(21 days) and quality of apple ber fruits. In interaction effects Chitosan 1% + HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) + cold storage(10±2ºC) is best of all the treatments followed by Chitosan 1% + PP (Polypropylene) + cold storage.
The research entitled “Effect of surface coatings and packaging materials on shelf life and quality of Apple ber (Zizyphus mauritiana) at different storage conditions”. was carried out at College of Horticulture- Rajendranagar and cold storage at 10±2˚C in Post-Harvest Technology Research station, SKLTSHU, Rajendranagar. The experiment was conducted in two factor completely randomized design with three replications. Factor one includes nine treatments P1 – Aloe vera gel (1:3) + HDPE (High Density Polyethylene), P2 – Aloe vera gel (1:3) + PP (Polypropylene), P3 – Aloe vera gel (1:3) + CFB (Corrugated Fiberboard), P4–Chitosan 1% + HDPE (High Density Polyethylene), P5 – Chitosan 1% + PP (Polypropylene), P6 – Chitosan 1% + CFB (Corrugated Fiberboard), P7 – Aloe vera gel (1:3), P8 – Chitosan 1%, P9 – Control(without any surface coating and packaging) and factor two includes two storage condition S1-cold storage (10±2ºC) and S2-room temperature (22±2ºC).
Sri Konda Laxman Telangana State Horticultural University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-30