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College of Horticulture, Rajendranagar, HYD-30
The investigation entitled “EFFECT OF DATES OF SOWING ON YIELD AND QUALITY OF SEEDS IN GARDEN CRESS (Lepidium sativum L.)” was conducted at Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Research station, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad during the period of September 2015- March 2016. The experiment was laid in Randomized Block Design with 8 planting dates as treatments. The treatments were replicated three times. The study consisted of 8 treatments with different dates of sowing viz., (i) 15th September (T1) (ii) 30th September (T2) (iii) 15th October (T3) (iv) 30th October (T4) (v) 15th November (T5) (iv) 30th November (T6) (vii) 15th December (T7) (viii) 30th December (T8). Five plants were selected at random from each treatment and tagged for recording biometric observations. The data were recorded at an interval of 30, 60, DAS and at harvest for assessing growth parameters like plant height, primary branches, dry matter production of whole plant and recorded maximum values in 30th October sown crop (T4). Physiological parameters like Leaf Area Index, Absolute Growth Rate, Crop Growth Rate and Relative Growth Rate recorded maximum values for 30th October sowing for 30 DAS and 60 DAS resulted and where as minimum LAI and RGR were recorded in 15th September sowing (T1) but AGR and CGR recorded minimum values in 30th December (T8). Among yield attributes viz., siliquae plant -1, seed yield plant-1, seed yield plot- 1, seed yield ha-1, harvest index (%), test seed weight (g) recorded significantly maximum in 30th October (T4) sowing. Minimum values were recorded in 30th December (T8) sowing. Number of seed siliqua-1 was non-significant with all dates of sowing. Quality parameters like vitamin C content in leaves (mg/100g), mucilage content (%) recorded significantly maximum values in 30th October sowing (T4) and minimum with 30th December (T8). Total phenol content (mg/100g) was nonsignificant with all dates of sowing. The present investigation conducted under Hyderabad conditions has revealed that sowing of Garden cress on 30th October resulted maximum values in all the parameters including B:C ratio (6.01:1). The minimum B:C ratio (3.01:1) was recorded with 15th September sown crop (T1) in garden cress. Correlation studies revealed that Temperature (max) was significantly correlated negatively with number of primary branches and seed yield. Temperature (min) was significantly correlated negatively with plant height, dry matter accumulation, siliquae plant-1 and all other quality parameters. RH-I was negatively correlated with plant height, number of primary branches and seed yield whereas, RH-II correlated positively with vitamin C content in leaves (mg/100g) and it is nonsignificant with all other growth, yield and quality parameters. Rainfall showed negative correlation with dry matter accumulation. Regression studies showed significantly positive association with seed yield with growth and yield parameters.
Correlation studies revealed that Temperature (max) was significantly correlated negatively with number of primary branches and seed yield. Temperature (min) was significantly correlated negatively with plant height, dry matter accumulation, siliquae plant-1 and all other quality parameters. RH-I was negatively correlated with plant height, number of primary branches and seed yield whereas, RH-II correlated positively with vitamin C content in leaves (mg/100g) and it is nonsignificant with all other growth, yield and quality parameters. Rainfall showed negative correlation with dry matter accumulation. Regression studies showed significantly positive association with seed yield with growth and yield parameters.
Sri Konda Laxman Telangana State Horticultural University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-30