Assessment of Spatial Micro-Variability of Soil Properties by Using Geo- Spatial Techniques

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University of Agricultural Science, Dharwad
An investigation on spatial micro- variability assessment of soil properties by using geo- spatial techniques was carried out during 2014 at Narendra village (Dharwad taluk). The surface soil samples (0- 15 cm) were collected at regular grid intervals of 20 x 20 m, 40 x 40 m and 60 x 60 m. Both descriptive and geo- statistical analysis revealed the least variability in physical properties such as bulk density, porosity and water stable aggregates for all the grid intervals. Descriptive statistics suggested that the exchangeable sodium (Na), electrical conductivity (EC), exchangeable potassium (K), water soluble bicarbonates, chlorides and sulphates have high variability with their high CV values across different grid intervals, others showed least to moderate variability. Similarly, urease, dehydrogenase and phosphatase activities also registered higher variability as revealed by higher CV values. Geo- spatial analysis based on nugget to sill ratios, revealed moderate variability of soil bulk density and porosity. Chemical properties like CEC, water soluble potassium and water soluble chlorides had high spatial variation (100% nugget to sill ratio) at 40 x 40 m grid intervals and exchangeable potassium, water soluble magnesium and potassium showed least variation (0% nugget to sill ratio) at 60 x 60 m grid compared to others. Available sulphur and iron at 40 x 40 m grid and copper at 20 x 20 m grid interval showed high variation compared to others. The geo- spatial ranges were different for different soil properties which indicated the extent of patchy distribution across the field.