Crop weather relationship of finger millet (ragi) (elusine coracana (L.) gaertn)

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Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani
A field investigation entitled “CROP WEATHER RELATIONSHIP OF FINGER MILLET (Elusine coracana (L). Gaertn)” was designed and conducted at College of Agriculture, Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani during Kharif season of 2018 The experiment was laid out in split plot design with three replication and two factors viz., date of sowing D1 (MW26), D2 (MW27), D3 (MW28) and D4 (MW29), and cultivars V1(MR-6), V2 (ND-1) and V3 (VL-149) to study crop weather relationship under different dates of sowing in finger millet In the present investigation the biometric observations viz. plant height, number of leaves plant-1, leaf area index, and dry matter plant-1 were recorded at 15 days interval. These observations recorded were significantly highest in treatment D1 (MW 26). The grain yield, straw yield, harvest index and yield components viz.grains per panicle, 1000 seed weight were highest in treatment D1 (MW 26). Among the varieties, V1 (MR-6) produced highest yield and lowest yield was recorded from V3 (VL-149). It was observed that duration of each phenophases from sowing to maturity was shown as follows, sowing to germination (P1), germination to vegetative (P2), vegetative to flowering (P3), flowering to heading (P4), heading to grain filling (P5), grain filling to maturity (P6). First date of sowing had more duration as compared to delayed sowing. This shortening of duration was due to thermal stress at later sowing dates. In that experiment at D1 (26 MW) rainfall (306.3 mm) has more in P3 stage i.e vegetative to flowering in finger millet. Total rainfall was also more in D1 (26 MW) i.e (503 mm) as compare to other date of sowing, therefor yield of 1st date of sowing was more as compare to other date of sowing. Temperature was also optimum for better germination and vegetative growth of crop. Bright sunshine hours also suitable for flowering to grain filling stage i.e (P4) stage. Therefor D1 (26MW) was suitable for higher grain yield as compare to other date of sowing. The correlation study was carried out between weather variables prevailed during P1 to P6 growth stages of different cultivars under different sowing dates. The correlation coefficient between seed yield and weather variables prevailed in different phenophases of finger millet cultivars. The rainfall showed significantly positive correlation with grain yield of finger millet cultivars V1 (MR-6), V2 (ND-1) and V3 (VL-149) at the P2, P3, and P5 crop growing stages however it showed highly significant negative correlation at P1 and P4 stages. Also the correlation coefficient between seed yield and weather variables prevailed in different phenophases of sowing dates in finger millet. The rainfall showed significantly positive correlation with grain yield of finger millet at P1, P2, P3, P5 stages and negatively correlated with P4 for D1(MW26), D2(MW27) and for D3(MW26), D4(MW27) it is positively correlated with P1,P3 and negatively correlated with P2,P5. Total GDD required during total crop growth period was highest in D1(MW 26) i.e. 3016.40C days as compare to remaining treatments. In case of cultivars V1 (MAUS-158) required highest total GDD i.e. 3009.10C day as compare to remaining cultivars. Whereas lowest total GDD was recorded in D4 (MW29) i.e.2908.8 0C day in case of cultivar V2 (ND-1) i.e. 2935.60C. It may be due to different growth period. Total HTU required during total crop growth period was highest in D4(MW 29) i.e. 2984.90C day hrs as compare to remaining treatments. In case of cultivars V1 (MR-6) required highest total HTU i.e.2836.8 0C day hrs as compare to remaining cultivars. Whereas lowest total HTU was recorded in D1 (MW26) i.e.2595.1 0C day hrs in case of cultivar V2 (ND-1) i.e. 2718.9 0C day hrs. It may be due to different growth period. Total PTU required during total crop growth period was highest in D1(MW 26) i.e. 39177.20C day hrs as compare to remaining treatments. In case of cultivars V1 (MR-6) required highest total PTU i.e.39054.8 0C day hrs as compare to remaining cultivars. Whereas lowest total PTU was recorded in D4 (MW29) i.e.37716.6 0C day hrs in case of cultivar V2 (ND-1) i.e. 38.93.80C day hrs. It may be due to different growth period.