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Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidaypeeth, Rahuri
The field experiment entitled “Performance of cherry tomato genotypes under shade house with different shading intensities” was conducted in a specially designed shade net having three different shading intensities viz. 35, 50 and 75 per cent and open condition with four genotypes viz. EC-128021, EC-539, KSP-113 and EC-123021 in Summer, 2015. The experiment was laid out in factorial completely randomized design with three replications. The results indicated that, among the different shading intensities maximum plant height was observed in 75 per cent shading intensity at 30, 60, 90 and 120 DAT (74.70, 100.12, 167.52 and 235.22 cm, respectively). Among the different genotypes KSP -113 at 30, 60, 90 and 120 DAT recorded maximum plant height (60.95, 100.38, 154.92 and 215.78 cm, respectively).The minimum days to 50% flowering were observed in 35 per cent shading intensity (45 DAT) as compared to other shading intensities while minimum days to 50% flowering were observed in genotype KSP-113 (44 DAT). The maximum length of cluster, weight of cluster and number of fruits per cluster were observed in 35 per cent shading intensities (9.58 cm, 27.67 gm and 9.42 fruits per cluster respectively) and in genotype KSP-113 (11.25 cm, 32.50 g and 10.42 fruits per cluster, respectively) while minimum length of cluster, weight of cluster and number of fruits per cluster were observed in open condition (7.58 cm, 23.75 g and 6.17 fruits per cluster respectively). The maximum number of pickings, yield per plant and yield per hectare were observed in 35 % shading intensity (11.67 pickings, 2.61 kg plant-1, 579.44 q ha-1 respectively), while maximum number of pickings, yield per plant and yield per hectare were observed in genotype KSP-113 (9.58 pickings, 2.26 kg per plant and 503.88 q ha-1 respectively). The maximum polar diameter, equatorial diameter and pericarp thickness were observed in 35% shading intensity (1.83 cm, 1.88 cm and 2.20 mm respectively), while maximum polar diameter and equatorial diameter were observed in genotype KSP-113 (1.96 and 2.03 cm, respectively). The effect of different shading intensity and genotypes on juice content of cherry tomato was found to be non significant. The minimum PLW and maximum shelf life was observed in 75% shading (8.50 % and 11.75 days, respectively) and KSP-113 genotype of cherry tomato (9.33 % and 11.25 days, respectively). The maximum content of TSS, titrable acidity, ascorbic acid content and total sugars were observed in open condition (5.48 °B, 0.54%, 43.40 mg 100g-1 and 3.26 % respectively), while maximum content of TSS, ascorbic acid content and total sugar were observed in genotype KSP-113 genotype of cherry tomato (6.13 °B, 41.46 mg 100g-1 and 3.39 %, respectively) and maximum lycopenecontent was observed in 75 % shading (1.93 mg 100g-1) and KSP-113 genotype of cherry tomato (1.72 mg 100g-1). The sensory evaluation of cherry tomato genotypes under different shading intensities were observed that KSP-113 genotype in 35% shading intensity recorded maximum score of overall acceptability indicating that the more consumer preference for KSP-113 genotype under 35 % shading intensity. The highest pest incidence (34.70 per cent) was observed in open condition as compared to 35, 50 and 75 per cent shading intensities (23.19, 17.45, 16.73 per cent), respectively, while all the genotypes were at par for pest reaction. Thus, it is concluded that, cultivation of KSP-113 genotype under 35 per cent shading intensity was found most sustainable for improving growth and yield of cherry tomato during summer season.