Effect of Age of Seedling, Levels and Methods of Fertilizer Application on Growth, Yield and Quality of rice (Oryza Sativa L.)

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A field experiment was conducted on plot No. 30 of ‗C‘ block during Kharif season of 2016 and 2017 to evaluate the, ―Effect of Age of Seedling, Levels and Methods of Fertilizer Application on Growth, Yield and Quality of Rice (Oryza Sativa L.)‖ at Agronomy Farm, College of Agriculture, Dapoli, Dist. Ratnagiri (M.S.). The soil of experimental plot was clay loam in texture, high in organic carbon content, moderately acidic in reaction with pH 6.14 and 6.08 during the years 2016 and 2017, respectively. It was medium in available nitrogen (340.42 and 321.60 kg ha-1), low in available phosphorus Name of the student : Mr. Raut Santosh Dnyanoba Regd. No. : 0227 Degree : Ph.D. (Ag.) Discipline : Agronomy Research Guide : Dr. U. V. Mahadkar Associate Dean and Principal, College of Agriculture, Dr. B.S.K.K.V., Dapoli. Dist. Ratnagiri. Thesis Title : ―Effect of Age of Seedling, Levels and Methods of Fertilizer Application on Growth, Yield and Quality of rice (Oryza Sativa L.)‘‘. Year of the award of degree : 2019 (11.08 and 10.58 kg ha-1), fairly high in available potassium (276.21 and 256.20 kg ha-1) and deficient in micronutrients (Zn, B and Cu) during both the years. The field experiment was laid out in split-split plot design comprising of 36 treatment combinations replicated thrice. The main plot treatment consisted three age of seedlings viz., 20 days age seedling (A1), 30 days age seedling (A2) and 40 days age seedling (A3). The sub plot treatment consisted levels of fertilizer application i.e., 125% RDF (F1), 100% RDF (F2) and 75% RDF (F3). While, sub-sub plot treatment comprised with four methods of fertilizer application, Basal K (K1), Split K (K2), K1+ Zn, B and Cu spray (K3) and K2 + Zn, B and Cu spray (K4). The periodical growth study, yield attributing characters and yields (grain & straw kg ha-1), content and uptake of N, P, K, Zn, Cu and B by rice were studied. The protein content in grain, straw (%) and total protein production (kg ha-1) and available status of nutrients (kg ha-1) also done. Economics of the treatment combinations was also worked out. The result of present study revealed that the 20 days seedling produced significantly the highest growth character, yield attributes, grain and straw yield (q ha-1), content of N, P, K and Zn and uptake of nutrients, (N, P, K, Cu, Zn, B and Cu) and protein percentage as compared to 30 day and 40 days seedling in that descending order during both years of study. While, the content of B and Cu in grain and straw and their avaibility (kg ha-1) after harvest not influenced significantly due to effect of different age of seedling during both years. The 20 days age seedling (A1) also obtained higher gross income (₹ 1,26,379 ha-1, ₹ 1,20,350 ha-1 and ₹ 1,23,364 ha-1), net returns (₹ 34,571 ha-1, ₹ 29,575 ha-1 and ₹ 32,073 ha-1) and benefit to cost ratio (1.38, 1.32 and 1.35 ) than 30 and 40 days age seedling during 2016, 2017 and pooled mean. Among different levels of fertilizer application, the 125% RDF significantly increased growth parameters, yield attributes, grain and straw yield, nutrients content (NPK %), uptake in grain (N, P, K, Zn, Cu and B), protein percentage and avaibility of N, P, K at harvest followed by 100% RDF and 75% RDF in that descending order. Except, plant height, test weight, N content in grain and K content in straw, 125% RDF remained at par to 100% RDF in individual or both years of study. While, content in grain, straw and availability of Zn, B and Cu after harvest of crop was not affected significantly due different levels of fertilizer application. The application of 125% RDF recorded maximum gross returns (₹ 1,20,303 ha-1, ₹ 1,12,412 ha-1 and ₹ 1,16,357 ha-1) and net returns (₹ 27,353 ha-1, ₹ 20,219 ha-1 and ₹ 23,786 ha-1) during the year 2016, 2017 and in the pooled mean. The application of 125% RDF and 100% RDF recorded same and higher B: C ratio (1.26) than 75% RDF (1.20) in mean of 2016 and 2017. The interaction effect of age of seedling and levels of fertilizer found to be significant and the treatment combination A1F1 produced significantly highest filled grain panicles-1 than rest of treatment combinations. Interaction effects the treatment combination A1F1K4 showed the highest value of grain and straw yield in pooled mean of year 2016 and 2017. The significantly higher value of growth, yield attributes, grain and straw yields (q ha-1), content (N & P %) and uptake (N, P, K, Zn, Cu and B), protein percentage were recorded in treatment K4 (K2 + Zn, B and Cu spray) followed by K3 (K1 + Zn, B and Cu spray) which were on par with each other and significantly superior than remaining all treatments under study during both years. While, number of tillers hill-1, number of panicle hill-1, number of unfilled grains panicle-1, test weight, content of K, Zn, B and Cu in grain and straw and avaibility of Zn, B and Cu were not influenced significantly as different methods of fertilizer application during both years. The treatment split application of K with Zn, B and Cu spray and basal application of K with Zn, B and Cu spray recorded the highest gross monetary returns, net returns and maximum benefit: cost ratio as compared to either basal or split application of K without micronutrients spray during 2016, 2017 or pooled mean, respectively. In respect of economics of treatment combinations, the maximum gross returns and net returns was obtained in treatment combination of A1F1K4 i.e., transplanting of 20 days age seedling received 125% RDF and split application of K along with micronutrients spray (Zn, B and Cu) followed by treatment combination A1F1K3 i.e., 20 days age seedling and 125% RDF with basal application of K along with micronutrients spray (Zn, B and Cu) than rest of the treatment combinations in 2016, 2017 and pooled mean. While, treatment combination of A1F2K3 and A1F2K2 recorded same and highest B: C ratio than rest of treatments in the year 2016 and treatment combination of A1F1K4 and A1F1K3 gained same and highest B: C ratio in year 2017 and mean of year 2016-2017 than all remaining treatment combinations under study.