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Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri
Cauliflower is one of the most important vegetable crop grown in Maharashtra. Shortage of irrigation water forced the farmers to adopt water saving methods like drip. With the introduction of drip method farmers noticed its effect on quality and yield of the fruits. The water soluble fertilizers are available in the market. This allowed the application of fertilizers through drip irrigation system in number of splits, which improves the water use efficiency and fertilizer use efficiency. However, the cost of these water soluble fertilizers is comparatively higher than the straight fertilizers. The field experiment was therefore, undertaken with the specific objective to find out the effect of different water soluble fertilizer levels on yield of cauliflower, FUR and WUE along with the effect of fertigation on field performance of drip system. The different levels of recommended dose of NPK nutrients for cauliflower were applied in the form of commercially available water soluble fertilizers (WSF) along with irrigation water through drip irrigation system as well as the straigth fertilizers by band placement. The study included six treatments and three replications viz., T( = 60 % of recommended dose, T2 - 80 % of recommended dose, T3 = 100 % of recommended dose, T4 = 120 % of recommended dose, T5 = 140 % of recommended dose of WSF through drip irrigation and T6 = 100 % of recommended dose of straight fertilizer by band placement. The field emission uniformity (EU) values were found in the range of 93.84 % to 94.58 % with an average value of 94.29 for entire system. The maximum average reduction in discharge of emitters was found as 6.37 % due to water quality in treatment T6 and 4.88 % in treatment Ti due to fertigation, respectively.