Response of slicing cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) to population density, trailing systems and nutrients
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Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, Vellayani
The present investigation on "Response of slicing cucumber (Cucumis
sativus L.) to population density, trailing systems and nutrients" was
conducted at the Instructional Farm, College of Agriculture, Vellayani,
Thiruvananthapuram during April to June, 1998. The cucumber variety
'poinsette' collected from National Seed Corporation, was raised in split plot
design with four replications. Four trailing systems, five population density
and two levels of nutrients were tried to find out their direct and interaction
effects on morphological as well as yield attributes. Majority of the characters
were significantly influenced by the direct as well as interaction effects of the
trailing systems, population density and nutrient levels.
Among the trailing systems, plants trailed on mulches were earlier for
male and female flower opening, whereas first harvesting was in pandal grown
plants which also had largest values for yield and fruit characters.
In general plants grown under wider spacing were earlier in flowering.
The range for days to harvest was narrow for the various population densities.
Highest density of 13 ,3 3 3 plants / ha gave the highest yield / plot.
The nutrient levels significantly influenced majority of the vegetative as
well as productive characters. Higher levels of nutrients gave early harvest,
increased vegetative growth and higher yield / plot.
The interaction between trailing systems and population density
revealed that plants trailed on mulches and twigs at lowest density were earlier
in female flower opening. Plants trailed on pandals at the moderate levels of
density and those trailed on twigs at the fourth level were earlier in first
harvesting. Plant grown on pandals at closer spacmg had maximum yield /
Trailing systems interacted significantly with nutrient levels. Plants
receiving lower nutrient level grown on mulches were earlier m first female
flower opening where as harvesting was early in pandal grown plants receiving
lower nutrient levels. Yield per plot was maximum in pandal grown plants at
highest nutrient level.
Plots with a moderate population density with higher nutrient level gave
early harvesting. Maximum yield / plot was at closer spacing with higher
nutrient level.
The three way interaction of trailing systems, population density and
nutrient was prominent for most of the characters. Plants trailed on ground
with lower nutrient level at the highest population density were the earliest in
first female flower opening. However harvesting was first inpandal grown
plants at lower nutrient level with moderate population density. Yield per plot
and per plant were" maximum in pandal grown plants at the highest level of
nutrients and population density. This treatment combination also had the
highest benefit: cost ratio 3.50.