Incidence of Maize Aphids and Their Associated Natural Enemies under Mono and Intercropping Situations

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MPUAT, Udaipur
Incidence of maize aphids and their associated natural enemies under mono and intercropping situations Mukesh Kumar Tali* Dr. M. K. Mahla The investigation on, “Incidence of maize aphids and their associated natural enemies under mono and intercropping situations” was conducted on Agronomy Farm and Department of Entomology, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, MPUAT, Udaipur during kharif 2017. Maize variety Pratap maize-5 was sown with different maize based intercrop plantings to study the seasonal incidence of maize aphids and to compare the impact of with environmental factors on the abundance of aphids and * PG. Scholar, Department of Entomology, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, MPUAT, Udaipur. ** Professor , Department of Entomology, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, MPUAT, Udaipur associated natural enemies as well as to record the influence of different intercropping on aphid abundance. During the crop season, the population of maize aphids initiated in the first week of August and remained active throughout the growing stage and reached to its peak in the second week of September. On the basis of seasonal mean, the lowest population was recorded on maize + cowpea (4.98 aphids/ plant); while, maximum population (22.45 aphids/ plant) was recorded on sole maize. The mean aphid population had a significant positive correlation with mean atmospheric temperature in most of the intercrop treatments as well as sole maize except in maize + cowpea. The coccinellids appeared in first week of August and thereafter gradually increased with aphid population reaching to its peak in second week of September, 2017. The maximum seasonal mean population of coccinellids was recorded in maize + cowpea (5.09 aphids/plant). The mean population of coccinellids had a significant positive correlation with mean atmospheric temperature in all the intercrop treatments. The predation of aphids by the larval population of syrphid fly maggots was observed from the first week of August, in the maize + greengram, maize + blackgram and maize + cowpea; while, in sole maize and maize + soybean the predation began in second week of August. The maximum seasonal mean population of syrphid fly maggots was recorded in maize + cowpea (2.00 maggots/plant).The mean population of syrphid fly maggots had a significant positive correlation with mean atmospheric temperature in the treatments maize + greengram (r=0.61) and maize + cowpea (r=0.67). The syrphid fly population under maize + blackgram (r=0.61) showed a significant positive correlation with mean relative humidity. The predator-prey relationships between the prey aphids and their predatory coccinellids as well as the syrphid fly maggots had a significant positive correlation in the intercrop treatments as well as in sole maize. When maize was intercropped with legumes the minimum mean aphid population per plant was recorded in maize + cowpea (1.75); while, the maximum was recorded in sole maize (5.50). The maximum populations of natural enemies (coccinellids and syrphid fly maggots) were observed in maize + cowpea (1:1) with mean population 3.25 and 3.00 per plant, respectively. The maximum maize grain yield (3.32 kg/plot) was recorded in maize + cowpea as compared to sole maize.
Incidence , Maize Aphids, Associated Natural Enemies under Mono
Tali, M.K. and Mahla, M.K.