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Division of Floriculture and Medicinal Crops ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hesaraghatta Lake Post, Bengaluru
The present investigation “Induction of embryogeny and plant regeneration through induced androgenesis/gynogenesis in marigold (Tagetes spp. L.)” was carried out in the Division of Floriculture and Medicinal Crops, ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru. Marigold, an important ornamental plant is also recognised as a potential source of carotenoids used as nutritional supplements and poultry feed. Improvement of this valuable species is hampered by its heterozygosity. Production of doubled haploid is one of the most efficient and time-saving innovative technology in varietal improvement. The present study was undertaken to investigate the potential of anther or microspores culture of marigold cv. ‘Pusa Narangi Gainda’ and unfertilized ovary or pseudo-fertilized ovule culture of marigold cv. ‘Arka Agni’ for the production of haploid plants. In case of anther culture, anthers containing microspores at uninucleate stage (pre-treated at 4°C for 72 hrs) cultured on MS media supplemented with 3% sucrose + 4.44 µM 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) + 1.07 µM α – naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) + 0.8 % agar and incubated in dark for 3 weeks at 25°C resulted in highest callus induction (97.00 %). While isolated uni-unicleate microspores (pre-treated at 4°C for 72 hrs) cultured on MS media supplemented with 14% sucrose + 4.44 µM BAP + 1.07 µM NAA and incubated in dark for 4 weeks at 25°C resulted in highest number of calli induction per Petri plate (17.60). However, obtained calli failed to differentiate further into shoots on exposure to 16 hrs photoperiod. In addition, unfertilized ovaries cultured from flower buds pre-treated at 45°C for 3 hrs on MS media supplemented with 4% sucrose + 4.44 µM BAP + 4.52 µM 2, 4-D and incubated in dark for 4 weeks at 25 °C resulted in highest callus induction (99.66%). Furthermore, in pseudo-fertilized ovule culture, marigold cv. ‘Arka Agni’ flowers was pollinated with 200 Gy gamma irradiated pollens. It was found that ovules cultured from pre-treated (at 4 °C for 24 hrs) flower capitula on MS media supplemented with 4% sucrose + 4.44 µM BAP + 2.68 µM NAA and incubated in dark for 4 weeks at 25°C showed highest per cent callus induction (62.00 %) as well as highest embryo germination (8.07 %). Besides, shoot differentiation was highest (96.33, 23.66, 25.33 %) from anther, unfertilized ovary and pseudo-fertilized ovule calli, respectively when calli were sub cultured on MS media supplemented with 3% sucrose + 4.44 µM BAP + 1.07 µM NAA and placed under 16 hr photoperiod at 25°C. Nonetheless, shoots derived from the above protocols rooted readily on hormone free MS media. Subsequently, among the fifty plants selected randomly, cytological analysis identified; 3 haploid, 3 triploid, 1 mixoploid and 43 diploid from anther derived plantlets, 3 triploid, 3 mixoploid and 44 diploid from unfertilized ovary plantlets and 2 haploid, 2 triploid, 1 mixoploid and 45 diploid from pseudo-fertilized ovule plantlets. Henceforth, the present study builds useful foundation for further research towards the development of homozygous Tagetes erecta or other Tagetes species