Incidence, causes and care of preterm neonates of Parbhani town

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Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani
A random sample of one hundred pregnant women who delivered 95 singletone and 5 twin (10 babies) premature babies in 17 randomly selected maternity clinics during 4 consecutive months from Parbhani town were included in the study. The data pertaining to the study were collected by participatory observations and personally interviewing with mothers and family members and medical staff based on the structured cum open ended interview schedule. Majority of the women belonged to nuclear and small size families and had normal preterm deliveries. The main causes responsible for preterm deliveries were antepartum haemorrhage and premature rupture of membrane. All preterm neonates mean length, weight and head circumference were below the national standards. Many of the neonates were deprived of colostrum due to unavailability of mothers and unavailability of breast milk. The commencement of breast feeding was quiet late for relatively higher percentage of preterm neonates. Honey, cow milk and formula milk were the common prelacteal feeds fed to the neonates. The health problems encountered by them were jaundice, respiratory distress syndrome, convulsion, diarrhoea and fever. Most of the parents found to be very upset about the birth of preterm neonates. Involvement of mothers and medical staff was relatively more in neonatal care as compared to their fathers and other family members. The maximum amount expenditure incurred by the families was Rs 20,000 on various aspects of care - delivery and special care of their preterm neonates.