Development and evaluation of multigrain extruded products from chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) and rice (Oryza sativa L.)

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Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Science and Technology of Jammu, Jammu
In the present study, noodles as extruded product were developed from rice flour with flour and protein isolates from germinated GNG 469 and GNG 1581 chickpea cultivars. The GNG 469 and GNG 1581 chickpea cultivars were subjected to different germination periods viz., 0, 12, 24, 36 and 48 hours. The chickpea seeds from GNG 469 and GNG 1581 cultivars with different periods of germination from 0 to 48 hours showed decrease in L* value, b* value, bulk density, cooking time, gruel solid loss with mean values of 28.60 and 27.03, 16.67 and 17.73, 0.75 and 0.73 g/ml, 49.56 and 52.29 minutes and 6.90 and 6.65 per cent respectively whereas increased a* value, dry matter loss, water uptake ratio, cooked l/b ratio, swelling capacity and swelling index with mean values of 5.59 and 5.55, 1.76 and 1.61 per cent, 2.58 and 2.38, 1.20 and 1.16, 0.21 and 0.20 ml/seed and 1.47 and 1.43 respectively. Sensory evaluation on the basis of 5-point hedonic scale revealed that 36 hours of germinated chickpea seed from GNG 469 and GNG 1581 cultivars recorded highest overall acceptability. During germination periods from 0 to 48 hours, chickpea flours from GNG 469 and GNG 1581 cultivars revealed increase in moisture content and crude protein with mean values of 10.04 and 10.03 per cent, 23.14 and 23.76 per cent respectively and also showed increase trend in antioxidant activity, total phenolic content and other functional properties such as water absorption capacity, oil absorption capacity, swelling capacity and solubility index, whereas decrease trend showed in tannins and phytic acid. Viscoelastic properties, thermal temperatures, enthalpy of gelatinization and pasting properties of GNG 469 and GNG 1581 chickpea flour cultivars decreased during germination periods from 0 to 48 hours. FT-IR spectral bands showed varied peak intensity with increased germination periods. The SDS-PAGE of chickpea flour showed polypeptide subunit from 14 to 90 KDa with increased intensity of bands with increased germination periods. Chickpea protein isolates of GNG 469 and GNG 1581 cultivars during germination period from 0 to 48 hours showed increase in protein content with mean values of 86.75 and 86.41 per cent, L* values, a* values, whiteness index, protein isolate recovery, protein yield, water absorption capacity, oil absorption capacity and emulsion activity index whereas b*, bulk density and emulsion stability index decreased significantly. With increase in germination periods, the viscoelastic properties, thermal temperatures, enthalpy of denaturation and weight retained percentage decreased significantly in protein isolates of GNG 469 and GNG 1581 cultivars. FT-IR spectral bands showed an increase in peak intensity related to protein region with increased germination periods. With increase in germination periods, SDS-PAGE of protein isolates of two chickpea cultivars showed polypeptide subunits with molecular weight ranged from 11 kDa to 90 kDa with more prominent bands for storage proteins. On the basis of sensory properties of germinated chickpea seeds and physicochemical, functional properties of flour and protein isolates from germinated chickpea cultivars (GNG 469 and GNG 1581), chickpea flour of 36 hours and protein isolates of 48 hours were selected for development of noodle with rice flour (K-39). The rice based noodles were prepared by incorporating germinated chickpea flour of 5, 10, 15 and 20 per cent from 36 hours and chickpea protein isolates of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 per cent from 48 hours of GNG 469 and GNG 1581 chickpea cultivars. The colour profile of chickpea flour based rice noodles in terms of a* and b* values increased whereas L* value and water activity decreased significantly with incorporation of germinated chickpea flour from GNG 469 and GNG1581 cultivars. With the incorporation of germinated chickpea flour, the highest mean moisture content of 11.47 percent was recorded in treatment T1 (100:00::RF), crude protein (10.14 per cent), crude fat (1.10 per cent), crude fiber (4.14 per cent) and free fatty acids (0.56 per cent) in treatment T5(80:20::RF:GNG1581CF), ash content of 1.53 per cent in treatment T5(80:20::RF:GNG1581CF) and T9(80:20::RF:GNG 469CF), total carbohydrates (78.34 per cent) and calorific value (350.92 Kcal/100g) in treatment T1 (100:00::RF). During storage periods of 6 months, proximate compositions except moisture content decreased significantly. The antinutritional factors such as tannin and phytic acid, antioxidant activity and total phenolic content increased with incorporation of germinated chickpea flour and decreased with advancement of storage period of 6 months. The minimum cooking time of 09.51 minutes was observed in treatment T5(80:20::RF:GNG 1581CF), gruel solid loss of 9.20 per cent in treatment T7(90:10::RF:GNG 469CF), cooked weight of 37.08 g/100 g in treatment T9(80:20::RF:GNG 469CF) and swelling index of 1.31 g/g in treatment T1(100:00::RF). The predictive glycemic index pGIa of 51 .85 and pGIb of 67.51 was observed in treatment T9(80:20::RF:GNG 469CF). Sensory evaluation of chickpea flour based rice noodles revealed that highest overall acceptability score of 7.20 was recorded in treatment T4 (85:15::RF:GNG 1581CF). The microbial analysis showed that lowest microbial load of 2.97 × 103 c.f.u/g was observed in treatment T9(80:20::RF:GNG 469CF). However the microbial load were within safe limits during storage period of 6 months. The rice based noodles with incorporated chickpea protein isolates showed highest protein content with mean value of 19.16 per cent in treatment T11(90:10::RF:GNG 469CPI) and showed an increasing trend in a* value, b* value, calorific value, tannins, phytic acid, antioxidant activity, total phenolic content, cooking time and swelling index. The L* value, water activity, moisture content, crude fat, crude fiber, ash, total carbohydrates, free fatty acid, gruel solid loss and cooked weight decreased significantly with incorporated chickpea protein isolates. With advancement of storage period of 6 months, proximate composition except moisture content, L*, b*, tannins, phytic acids, antioxidant activity, cooking time and swelling index decreased whereas a* value, water activity, free fatty acids, gruel solid loss and cooked weight increased significantly. The lowest predictive glycemic index pGIa of 59.31 and pGIb of 72.26 were observed in treatment T11(90:10::RF:GNG469CPI). Sensory evaluation of chickpea protein isolate based rice noodles revealed that highest overall acceptability score of 6.95 was recorded in treatment T4(94:6::RF:GNG 1581CPI). The microbial load were within safe limits during storage with lowest microbial load of 3.02 × 103 c.f.u/g was observed in treatment T11 (90:10::RF:GNG 469CPI).