Heterosis and combining ability analysis for yield and quality traits in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)

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Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur
The present investigation entitled “Heterosis and combining ability analysis for yield and quality traits in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)” was carried out under AICRP on Vegetable Crops, Department of Vegetable Science at Horticultural Research and Instructional Farm, Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur (C.G.) during 2016-17 to 2017-18 to study genetic variability, heritability, genetic advance, association and divergence study for various quantitative characters in tomato genotypes. Crosses were made to determine general combining ability and specific combining ability of parents and crosses respectively using Line x Tester mating fashion, type of gene action involved for fruit yield and its components and to ascertain the magnitude of heterosis. The experiment was comprised of twenty two genotypes of tomato and laid out in randomized block design (RBD) with three replications to estimate variability, association and genetic divergence during rabi 2016-17. The analysis of variance in the present investigation indicated that the mean sum of squares due to genotypes were highly significant for most of the characters. High magnitude of genotypic as well as phenotypic coefficient of variations were recorded for fruit yield per plant, average fruit weight, number of locules per fruit and fruit yield per hectare. Correlation and path analysis revealed that number of fruits per plant, fruit yield per plant, fruit diameter influenced the fruit yield (q/ha) with high direct effect and significant positive correlation therefore, it is an important character which may be included in selection criterion for improvement in fruit yield. The divergence analysis revealed the presence of appreciable amount of genetic diversity in the tested genotypes of tomato and it also revealed that the geographic distribution had no relation to genetic diversity. Twenty two genotypes were grouped into five clusters. The intra and inter cluster distances were computed for all the clusters. Maximum inter cluster distance was observed between cluster I and II followed by cluster II and IV. Number of locules per fruit contributed maximum towards diversity followed by average fruit weight, fruit yield per plant. Hence, selection for divergent parent based on these traits were used for selection of six lines (Pusa Ruby, Punjab Chhuhara, Arka Vikash, Kashi Anupam, H-86, H-24) and four testers (2015/TOLCVRES-4, 2015/TOLCVRES-2, 2014/TOLCVRES-3, 2014/TOLCVRES-1) for combination breeding exploiting L x T analysis in tomato. Combining ability revealed predominance of non-additive gene action for all the characters under study. This suggests the possibility of exploiting heterosis in the present material. Line H-86 and Kashi Anupam found good general combiner for fruit yield per hectare, average fruit weight, fruit diameter, fruit yield per plant, H-24 for dry matter % of fruit, plant height, number of fruit cluster per plant, number of fruits per cluster, while, 2014/TOLCVRES-3, 2015/TOLCVRES-4 and 2015/TOLCVRES-2 were used as tester for fruit yield and their component tomato improvement programme. A high degree of heterosis was observed for most of the characters under investigation. High per se performance with remarkable heterosis and significant SCA effects were expressed by PR x 14/TLCV-3, KA x 15/TLCV-2, H-86 x 14/TLCV-3, KA x 14/TLCV-3 and H-24 x 14/TLCV-1 for higher fruit yield and its contributing traits. Looking to the study of genotypes diversity, combining ability and heterosis for yield and its component in tomato was framework for improvement and for getting promising high yielding genotypes of tomato with desirable traits under Chhattisgarh plains.
Heterosis and combining ability analysis for yield and quality traits in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)