Production aspect of photoperiodism in dairy cattle

Photoperiod is defined as the virtual duration of light and dark that a cattle experiences during a day. It is classified into Long day photoperiod (LDPP) and short day photoperiod (SDPP). 16 18 hours of light and 6-8 hours of dark exposure is considered as LDPP and vice versa for SDPP. Photoperiod is primarily influenced by melatonin. The increased level of melatonin concentration in the blood results in shift in the secretion of various hormones. Calves raised under LDPP during the growth phase yields larger and leaner body at maturity, with greater mammary parenchymal growth. LDPP exposed lactating cattle produced higher milk yield due to its lower melatonin concentration and higher prolactin concentration, whereas SDPP during the dry period of multiparous cows enhances milk production in the following lactation. These signify the importance of Photoperiodism in dairy cattle for an optimized production.
Veterinary Science