Evaluation of genotypes and divergence studies under eco-friendly management in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)

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Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu, Jammu (J & K)
The present investigation entitled “Evaluation of genotypes and divergence studies under eco-friendly management in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)” was carried out at Experimental Farm, Division of Vegetable Science and Floriculture of SKUAST-J, Chatha, Jammu (India) during rabi 2017-18 using RCBD with 3 replications and 20 diverse genotypes under ecofriendly management as early transplanted crop. Pooled analysis of variance revealed highly significant differences among genotypes for all the characters viz., days to 50 % flowering, plant height (cm), number of primary branches per plant, number of flowers per truss, number of fruits per cluster, number of fruits per plant, average fruit weight (g), fruit shape index, fruit yield per plant (kg) and per hectare (q), pericarp thickness (mm), number of locules per fruit, total soluble solids (°B), ascorbic acid (mg/100 g), leaf curl incidence (%), wilt incidence (%), nematode incidence (%) and fruit borer incidence (%) under ecofriendly protected structures. The genotype, Arka Rakshak was found promising for yield, quality and yield contributing traits. High PCV and GCV were recorded for wilt incidence, fruit borer incidence, leaf curl incidence, plant height, number of fruits per truss, number of fruits per plant, yield per plant and yield per hectare. High heritability with high genetic gain was recorded for plant height, fruit yield per plant and number of fruits per plant. Hence, selection for these traits can prove effective for improvement in fruit yield. Fruit yield per plant had positive and highly significant correlation with number of fruits per plant, average fruit weight, fruit shape index and number of primary branches per plant, whereas negative and significant association was observed with ToLCV incidence, fruit borer incidence, ascorbic acid content, pericarp thickness and days to 50 % flowering. Maximum positive and direct effect towards fruit yield per plant was exerted by average fruit weight, number of fruits per plant, leaf curl incidence and plant height. Mahalanobis D2 clustering analysis grouped 20 genotypes in to 4 clusters namely, cluster I (Arka Abha, Arka Alok, DVRT-2, Palam Pride, Arka Sourabh, Arka Vikas, Palam Pink, KH-105, Selection-2, S-22, PKM-1), cluster II (Pusa Ruby, Hawaii-7998, Bhagya, CLN-2670-B1, CLN-2123-A1 Red), cluster III (Arka Rakshak, BSS-488, BWR-5) and cluster IV (Marglobe). The cluster II and cluster III had maximum inter cluster distances. The cluster II had maximum intra cluster distance. The genotypes falling in cluster III were superior for most of the yield, quality and yield attributing traits and can be used alone as the parents for crossing with genotypes of cluster II in hybrid development programme. The traits like fruit yield per plant, plant height, number of fruits per plant, average fruit weight, fruit borer incidence, leaf curl incidence and wilt incidence had major contribution (99.43%) towards genetic divergence. The genotypes namely Arka Rakshak, BSS-488, DVRT-2 and CLN-2123-A1 Red performed better for yield under both eco-friendly protected structures (EPS) and low cost protected structures (LPS). The genotypes Pusa Ruby, Arka Alok, CLN-2670-B1 and KH-105 performed relatively better for yield in LPS over EPS. It can be concluded that tomato can be raised under ecofriendly management as early crop using specific hybrid/ variety and affordable protected structures.