Response of barley to fertilizer levels and different combinations of biofertilizers

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The present study entitled, “Response of barley to fertilizer levels and different combinations of biofertilizers” was conducted during the Rabi season of 2015-16 and 2016-17 at the Agronomy research farm of Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar .The experiment was laid out in split plot design with three fertilizer levels (50, 75 and 100 per cent RDF) in main plots and seven different combinations of biofertilizers (Uninoculated, seed inoculation with Azotobacter, Azospirillum, PSB, Biomix, Azotobacter+PSB and Azospirillum+PSB) in sub plots replicated thrice. Based on the research investigation it was found that significantly taller plants, higher dry matter production and Leaf area index were recorded with the application of 100 % RDF than lower fertilizer levels (50 and 75 % RDF). Increasing levels of fertilizer resulted in significant higher yield attributes (number of spikes per meter row length, more number of grains per spike and test weight) and yield (grain, straw and biological yield) of barley. However, plant population, harvest and attraction index, quality parameters (Proportion of thin and bold grains percentage and hectoliter weight), canopy temperature of barley and available nutrient status of soil (N, P and K) after the harvest of barley were statistically similar under all the fertilizer levels. While malt content of barley decreased significantly with increase in fertilizer levels during both the years of experimentation. Application of 100 % RDF recorded significantly higher protein content, NDVI value of barley, N content and N, P and K uptake in grain and straw, net returns, gross returns and benefit: cost ratio than the lower fertilizer levels (50 and 75 % RDF). Among different combinations of biofertilizers, seed inoculation with Biomix recorded significantly higher plant height, dry matter accumulation, LAI, all the yield attributes (number of spikes per meter row length, number of grains per spike and test weight), grain, straw, biological yield, protein content, N content in grain , P content in grain in the year 2015-16, N, P and K uptake in grain and straw, higher gross returns, net returns and benefit: cost ratio of barley during both the years of experimentation . But harvest index, proportion of thin and bold grains percentage, hectoliter weight, malt content, canopy temperature, NDVI value of barley, P content in grain in 2016-17 and K content in grain and N, P and K content in straw and available N, P and K status of soil after the harvest of barley did not differ significantly due to seed inoculation with different combinations of biofertilizers during both the years of experimentation. Seed inoculation with Biomix in association with 75 % RDF was found to be significantly superior in terms of grain and straw yield of barley.