Association of nematodes with fruit crops in Bhubaneswar

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Association of nematodes in the rhizosphere of 8 fruit crops by collecting 120 samples during Kharif and Rabi 2016-17 in Bhubaneswar revealed presence of ten plant parasitic nematodes and three groups of free living nematodes. Among plant parasitic nematodes, Rotylenchulus reniformis and Hoplolaimus indicus were encountered in all 8 fruit crops, Tylenchorhynchus mashhoodi (7), Hemicriconemoides mangiferae (6), Helicotylenchus dihystera (5), Caloosia heterocephala (5), Xiphinema insigne (5), Aphelenchus avenae (5), Pratylenchus coffeae (3) and Meloidogyne sp. (1) only in guava. In context to free living group nematodes Dorylaimids, Mononchids and Rhabditids were each associated with all the 8 fruit crops. While computing community analysis of individual fruit crops, Rotylenchulus reniformis in papaya, Hoplolaimus indicus in jackfruit, Dorylaimids in all fruit crops except cashewnut and Rhabditids in lime and papaya exhibited highest Absolute frequency (100%) followed by Rhabditids and Mononchids in cashewnut indicating(86.67%)Absolute frequency. The lowest Absolute frequency was recorded in Hemicriconemoides mangiferae (13.33%) in guava, with respect to density of nematodes in individual fruit crops, maximum Absolute density of Rotylenchulus reniformis in papaya (341), Mango (291.07), Lime (246.57), Guava (211.63), Litchi (52.66), Tylenchorhynchus mashhoodi in jackfruit (251), Hoplolaimus indicus in sapota (59.14) and Dorylaimids in cashewnut (33.58) were recorded. The least density was reported in Aphelenchus avenae in sapota (4) and Hemicriconemoides mangiferae in guava (4). In consideration to Prominence value, Rotylenchulus reniformis was adjudged as the most prominent species in papaya (PV=340), mango (270.79), lime (238.21), guava (181.23), while Tylenchorhynchus mashhoodi in jackfruit (224.5), Hemicriconemoides mangiferae in litchi (41.97), Dorylaimids in cashewnut (85.93) and sapota (54) were recorded. In contrast, Hemicriconemoides mangiferae in guava (PV=1.46) was the least prominent species. So far as community analysis of nematodes in 120 samples of 8 fruit crops altogether was concerned, Dorylaimids indicated highest frequency of occurrence (118) with 98.33% Absolute frequency, the lowest being in Meloidogyne sp.(5). Maximum density was noticed in Rotylenchulus reniformis (182.22) with the lowest density in Aphelenchus avenae (7.54). When Rotylenchulus reniformis was treated the most prominent species (PV=155.15), Aphelenchus avenae was marked the least prominent species (33.23).