Effect Of Different Storage Conditions On Quality Characteristics Of Chicken Carcasses

The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of different storage conditions viz., room temperature, display cabinet (0- 4°C), ice packed thermocol box (0-2°C), ice bank tank (2-6°C) on weight loss and physico-chemical parameters (pH, Extract release volume) of Chicken carcasses at different storage periods. Results of physico-chemical characteristics of chicken carcasses stored under different storage conditions viz., room temperature, display cabinet (0-4oC) packed ice and ice bank tank revealed that a highly significant (p<0.01) difference in pH values between different storage conditions and between storage period except at 0 hour where no significant difference was observed. A highly significant (p<0.01) difference existed in extract release volume values between different storage conditions and a significant (p<0.05) difference between storage period. It was observed that the ERV values decreased with increasing time of storage and that carcasses stored in display cabinet and ice bank tank had better values compared to ice box and room temperature storage. The results indicated that storage in ice or display cabinet significantly improved the physico-chemical characteristics of chicken carcasses as compared to hanging at room temperature.
Veterinary Science, Meat Science and Technology