Screening of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Child) genotypes for yield and quality attributes under foot hills of Arunachal Pradesh.

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College of Horticulture and Forestry, Central Agricultural University, Pasighat
The Collected data were analyzed statisticall and means were adjudged at 5% level of probability. ANOVA for different yield contributing and some qualitative characters showed a high degree of variation among the genotypes used. It was further revealed that in general, high yielding genotypes showed superior performance in result of biochemical and yield contributing characters compared to low yielding ones. The genotypes CHF-TOM-35, CHF-TOM-34, and CHF-TOM-74 produced higher fruit yield (range 3.00-3.33, kg. plant) with the highest being in CHF-ToM-35 (3.33 kg/plant)., due to in superiority in respect of all yield contributing characters. In contrast, CHF-TOM-46 produced the lowest fruit yield (0.83 kg/plant), due to poor performance in yield contributing characters. Fruits after harvesting at tree ripe stage were brought to the laboratory where prepared product like ketchup were evaluated on the basis of different physic-chemical and sensory characteristics as fresh as well as at different storage intervals at ambient temperature storage. Sensory evaluation of tomato ketchup was done by a panel of five judges. The judges scored the products with the help of the nine poi9nt hedonic scale. On the basis of physic-chemical and sensory evaluation point of view ketchup as fresh as well as after storage at ambient temperature product of genotype CHF-TOM-77 were found to be suitable for making ketchup of best quality. The average score of overall acceptability in experimental sampleCHF-TOM-31, CHF-TOM-33, CHF-TOM-34, CHF-TDOM-35, CHF-TDOM-36, CHF-TOM-41, CHF-TDOM-57, CHF-TOM-68, CHF-TOM-77 and CHF-TDOM-79 were 7.78, 7.48, 7.50, 7.73, 7.16, 7.44, 7.30, 7.20, 8.40 and 7.65 respectively. Therefore treatment CHF-TOM77 (8.40) was the best treatment with regard to overall acceptability. No defects found in any of the products. All the products tasted obtained satisfactory total score so they may be recommended as fit for consumption. The tomato ketchup samples were also analyzed in laboratory to determine the total soluble solid, pH and acidity. From the results obtained from chemical analysis of all the tomato ketchup samples they may be recommended as safe for consumption.
The present investigations were carried out to screen out the tomato genotypes grown in vegetable Research Farm, College f Horticulture and Forestry, Central Agricultural University, Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh, during 2012 to evaluate the performance of fifty tomato genotypes on the basis of some important morphological, biochemical, yield components and test their suitability for processing after preparation of product (Ketchup) and their storage behaviour.